King of the Sarovians (title)

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King of the Sarovians

Royo eui do Sarovianos

The Crown of the King of the Sarovians and Emperor of the Sarovian Commonwealth.


His Imperial Majesty the King of the Sarovians, Emperor of the Sarovian Commonwealth, Grand King of the State, King of Reuss, of Nassau, of Philippia, of Metternau, of Carolusburg and of the Oxerians, Patriarch of the Zors, Makos, and Vasas, Defender of the Faith, and Protector of the Realm.

First Monarch:

Constantine I Zor-Mako

Current Monarch:

Carolus XIII Vasa


Leda Palace, 3 Victoria Way

The Monarchy of the New Sarovian Empire and Her Colonies and Dominions, commonly referred to as the Sarovian monarchy, is the constitutional form of government by which a hereditary sovereign reigns as head of state of the New Sarovian Empire and Her Colonies, Dominions and Commonwealth Realms. The current monarch is Royo y Imperad Carolus XIII of the Zor-Mako-Vasa-Nassau, who ascended the throne on 28 November 2023 (311 AS), following the death of his grandfather, Constantine IX Vasa who would die in Stenhammer Palace, your favorite residence.

The monarch and his immediate family assume various official, ceremonial, diplomatic and representational roles. The monarchy is 'constitutional', meaning that although formally the monarch still has authority over the government - which is known as "His Imperial Majesty's Government" (abbreviated to HIM Government) - This power can only be used in accordance with laws enacted in the Imperial Parliamentand within the constraints of the convention. Thus, in practice, the role of the monarch, including that of Commander-in-chief of the Imperial Sarovian Armed Forces (ISAF), is limited to functions such as granting honors and appointing the Prime-minister, which are carried out in a non-partisan manner. The government of the New Sarovian Empire and Her Colonies and Dominions called the monarchy "a soft power and a unique diplomatic asset". The Crown also occupies a unique cultural role, serving as an unofficial brand ambassador for Sarovian interests and values ​​abroad, increasing tourism in the country and promoting charities throughout civil society.

Constituicional Role[edit | edit source]

In the Constitution of the New Sarovian Empire and Her Colonies, Dominions and Commonwealth Realms, the monarch (referred to exclusively in legislation as "the Sovereign",  and styled His Imperial Majesty) is the head of state. The monarch's image is used to represent Sarovian sovereignty and governmental authority – his profile, for example, appears on SIBC notes and all Sarovian coins and his portrait on government buildings. The Sovereign is still mentioned and the subject of songs, loyal toasts and greetings. Oaths of loyalty are made to the Sovereign and his legitimate successors.

The monarch has little direct participation in the government. The authority to use the sovereign's formal powers is almost entirely delegated, either by statute or by convention, to ministers or officers of the Crown, or other public bodies. Thus, acts of State carried out in the name of the Crown, such as Crown Appointments,  even if carried out personally by the monarch, such as the Monarch's Speech and the State Opening of Parliament, depend on decisions taken elsewhere:

  • Executive power is exercised by the HIM Government, which comprises ministers, primarily the Prime Minister, and the Cabinet, which is technically a committee of the Privy Council. They have the direction of the Imperial Sarovian Armed Forces, the Civil Service and other Crown Servants such as the Diplomatic and Secret Services.
  • Judicial power is vested in the various courts of New Sarovia, which by constitution and statute  have judicial independence from the Government.
  • Independent powers of government are legally granted to other public bodies by statute or statutory instrument, such as an Order in Council, Imperial Commission, or otherwise.

Imperial prerogative[edit | edit source]

That part of the government's executive authority that remains theoretically and nominally vested in the sovereign is known as the royal prerogative. The monarch acts within the constraints of convention and precedent, exercising prerogatives only on the advice of ministers responsible to Imperial Parliament, often through the Prime Minister or the Privy Council. In practice, prerogative powers are exercised only on the advice of the prime minister – the prime minister, not the sovereign, has control. The monarch holds a weekly audience with the prime minister; no records of these hearings are kept and the proceedings remain completely confidential. The monarch can express his views, but as a constitutional ruler he must ultimately accept the decisions of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, who by definition enjoy the confidence of the House of Commons.

Although the Imperial prerogative is extensive and parliamentary approval is not formally necessary for its exercise, it is limited. Many Crown prerogatives fell into disuse or were transferred permanently to Parliament. For example, the sovereign cannot impose and collect new taxes; such action requires the authorization of an Act of Parliament. According to a parliamentary report, "The Crown cannot invent new prerogative powers", and Parliament can override any prerogative power by passing legislation.

The Imperial prerogative includes the powers to appoint and dismiss ministers, regulate public service, issue passports, declare war, make peace, direct the actions of the military and negotiate and ratify treaties, alliances and international agreements. However, a treaty cannot change New Sarovia's internal laws; an Act of Parliament is necessary in such cases. The sovereign is Commander-in-chief of the Imperial Sarovian Armed Forces (the Imperial Sarovian Navy and Imperial Sarovian Army), and accredits Sarovian High Commissioners and ambassadors, and receives heads of missions from foreign states.

Appointment of Prime Minister[edit | edit source]

The sovereign has the power to appoint the prime minister. According to constitutional conventions, the monarch appoints the individual who commands the support of the House of Commons, usually the leader of a party or coalition that has a majority in that House. The Prime Minister takes office with the presence of the monarch in private audience and agrees to form a government in the presence of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor. The sovereign also has the power to dismiss the prime minister, but the last time this power was exercised was in 2022, when Constantine IX Vasa dismissed Johann von Padoa; Since then, prime ministers have only left office through a letter of abdication, which they must offer to the monarch when they lose their majority in the House of Commons.

Although the sovereign also appoints and can dismiss all other Ministers of the Crown, by convention they do so only on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. It is, therefore, the prime minister who controls the composition of the government. In practice, the prime minister will request the resignation of a member of the government rather than advising the monarch to dismiss him; such ministers are euphemistically described as "leaving government".

Convocation, prorogation and dissolution of Parliament[edit | edit source]

The sovereign has the power to summon, prorogue and dissolve Parliament. Each parliamentary session begins with the sovereign's summons. The new parliamentary session is marked by the State Opening of Parliament, during which the monarch reads the speech from the throne in the Assembly of Peers chamber, outlining the Government's legislative agenda. Prorogation usually occurs about a year after the start of a session and formally concludes the session. Dissolution ends a legislature and is followed by a general election for all seats in the House of Commons. If not dissolved sooner, Parliaments are automatically dissolved after three stefanic years.

Other Imperial Prerogatives[edit | edit source]

Before a bill passed by the Legislative Houses can become law, Imperial Assent (the approval of the monarch) is required. In theory, assent can be granted (making the bill into law) or withheld (vetoing the bill), but since 2022 assent has always been granted.

Osovereign is considered the “source of justice”; Although the monarch does not personally govern judicial cases, judicial functions are performed in his name. For example, proceedings are brought in the name of the sovereign and courts derive their authority from the Crown.

The sovereign is the “source of honor”, ​​the source of all honors and dignities in the New Sarovian Empire. The Crown creates all nobles, appoints members of chivalric orders, grants knighthoods, and bestows other honors. Although peerages and most other honors are bestowed on the advice of the prime minister, some honors are a personal gift from the sovereign and are not bestowed on ministerial advice. Only the sovereign appoints members of the Order of the New Sarovian Empire, Order of the Vasas, Order of the Black Sun, Order of the Griffon and Order of the Bull.

Style[edit | edit source]

The style and full title of the current sovereign of New Sarovian Empire and Her Colonies, Dominions and Commonwealth Realms, Royo y Imperad Carolus XIII Vasa is:

"His Imperial, Royal, and Most Stefanic Majesty, by the Grace of Stefan, the Holy Graalian Emperor, King of the Sarovians and Emperor of the Sarovian Commonwealth, Grand King of the State, King of Reuss, of Nassau, of Philippia, of Metternau, of Carolusburg, of the Oxerians and of His Other Realms and Territories, Patriarch of the Vasas, Nassaus, Makos and Zors, and Defender of the Faith".

The title of Emperor of the Sarovian Commonwealth (in High Sarovian: Imperad eui lan Comune Saroviana) is personally held by the Emperor and does not belong to the de-facto Sarovian Crown. In turn, the position of Holy Graalian Emperor was granted by Pope Clemens I to Royo y Imperad Constantine IX Vasa after he united the titles of Holy Eastern Emperor and Holy Western Emperor, thus, with the right of the Papal Bull: Decessore Meo, would unify the titles and become the Holy Graalian Emperor.

In turn, the Sarovian Monarch uses titles such as: "Grand King of the State, of Reuss, of Nassau, of Philippia, of Metternau, of Carolusburg and of the Oxerians". These titles represent the Sarovian Hegemony over several other nations which were conquered through wars and agreements. One example of this is the title of King of Carolusburg (Carodia-Aurea), where, after the annexation of the Aurean Empire to the Dominion of Carolusburg, Constantine IX Vasa would become the Aurean Emperor, and would join this Imperial title with the Royal title of King of Carolusburg. Furthermore, the Sarovian Monarch holds the title of Grand King of the State. This title represents the Head of State of one of the pioneering nations in the Military Community, the State. This title would be won by Constantine VI & I Vasa after claiming the Grand Kingdom of the State.

The sovereign is known as "His Imperial Majesty" or "Tel Majis Imperialò". The form "Sarovian Majesty" appears in international treaties and on passports to differentiate the Sarovian monarch from foreign rulers. The monarch chooses his regnal name, not necessarily his first name - Constantine IX Vasa, Constantine VII, Constantine VI & I Vasa, Constantine V Mako-Vasa, Constantine IV Mako and Constantine II Mako They did not use their first names.

List of the Sarovian Monarchs[edit | edit source]

This is the official list of Kings, Queens, Emperors and Empress of the New Sarovian Empire and Her Colonies, Dominions and Commonwealth Realms. The list begins with Constantine I Zor-Mako, who ruled the New Sarovian Empire during 207 to 215 AS as King of the Sarovians (in High Sarovian: Royo eui do Sarovians). Although he is not the first de-facto monarch, he is the first de-jure monarch of the New Sarovian Empire, after all, several ethnically Sarovian monarchs ruled during the period of antiquity.

Name Portrait Arms Birth Marriage(s) Death Claim
House of Zor-Mako
Constantine I
The King of Reuss

207 AS

215 AS
(8 Stefanic Years)

(Royo eui do Sarovians and Royo eui Reuss from 207 AS)
1 August 2014 (200 AS)

Palace of Sarvium

Son of Aros I Mako
WIP November 2015 (215 AS)

Palace of Sarvium Aged 15 AS

Son of Aros I Mako
Constantine II
The King of Reuss

215 AS

219 AS
(4 Stefanic Years)

(Royo eui do Sarovians and Royo eui Reuss from 215 AS)
4 October 2014 (202 AS)

Palace of Sarvium

Son of Aros I Mako
WIP March 2016 (219 AS)

Palace of Sarvium Aged 17 AS

Son of Aros I Mako, and, brother of Constantine I
Constantine III
"Constantine the Conquerer"

219 AS

223 AS
(4 Stefanic Years)

1 November 2015 (215 AS)

Palace of Sarvium

Son of Aros I Mako
Queen Theodora of Roisa July 2016 (223 AS)

Palace of Sarvium Aged 8 AS

Son of Constantine II and grandson of Constantine I
Constantine IV
"The Sarovian Beer"

223 AS

227 AS
(4 Stefanic Years)

15 April 2016 (220 AS)

Palace of Sarvium

Son of Constantine III
Elizabeth of Preuze November 2016 (227 AS)

Palace of Sarvium Aged 7 AS

Son of Constantine III and grandson of Constantine II
Constantine V
"Constantine the Bold"

227 AS

232 AS
(5 Stefanic Years)

July 2016 (223 AS)

Palace of Sarvium

Son of Constantine IV
Tsubaki Kaine April 2017 (232 AS)

Palace of Sarvium Aged 9 AS

Son of Constantine IV and grandson of Constantine III
House of Zor-Mako-Vasa
Carolus XII
"The Soldier King"

232 AS

236 AS
(4 Stefanic Years)

September 2016 (225 AS)

Palace of Sarvium

Son of Constantine IV
Cincinnis of Aurea August 2017 (236 AS)

Palace of Sarvium Aged 11 AS

Son of Constantine V
Constantine VI
"The Caesar of the Graal"

236 AS

247 AS
(11 Stefanic Years)

February 2017 (230 AS)

Palace of Sarvium

Son of Carolus XII
WIP July 2018 (236 AS)

Leda Palace Aged 17 AS

Son of Carolus XII
House of Zor-Mako-Vasa-Oxeria
William I
"The Excellent"

247 AS

258 AS
(11 Stefanic Years)

February 2017 (243 AS

Leda Palace

Son of Constantine VI
Empress Emily I of Oxeria June 2019 (258 AS)

Leda Palace Aged 15 AS

Son of Constantine VI
Edward I
"The Unready"

258 AS

(1 Stefanic Year)

February 2017 (250 AS

Leda Palace

Son of William I
WIP July 2018 (260 AS)

Sarholm Aged 17 AS

Son of William I
House of Zor-Mako-Vasa-Nassau
Brianna I
"The Warrior-Queen"

260 AS

267 AS
(7 Stefanic Years)

February 2017 (247 AS)

Leda Palace

Daughter of William I
Jaime I of Sacro (Hanor) March 2020 (267 AS)

Leda Palace Aged 20 AS

Daughter of William I and sister of Edward I

Disputed[edit | edit source]

Francis I of the State or Constantine VII of the New Sarovian Empire (born: Frederick Constans Francis Hanke) was a disputed and controversial sovereign of both Vasa realms during his youth, marking a period of significant instability. Officially recognised by the Sarovian Legislative Chamber in 268 AS as the King of the Sarovians, he is the first and only monarch who was a King of another country before becoming sovereign of New Sarovia. He is known as "Francis the Good" in the State for briefly asserting the State's independence within the Vasa Commonwealth and known as "Francis the Usurper" by Sarovians. He is the second shortest reigning Sarovian monarch since Edward I Vasa. Despite his legal regnal name in the State being Constantine II Francis and his Sarovian regnal name as Constantine VII Francis, he is commmonly known simply as Francis I.

Name Portrait Birth Marriage(s) Death Claim
Constantine VII
"Francis the Good"

260 - 267 AS (disputed)

268 AS (de jure)
(1 Stefanic Year de jure)

(8 Stefanic Years disputed)

March 2017 (248 AS

Leda Palace

Son of Andrey Vasa
WIP July 2018 (268 AS)

Cordias Palace Aged 20 AS

Grandson of William I and Son of Andrey Vasa
George I

268 AS

270 AS
(2 Stefanic Years)

N/A April 2019 (256 AS)

Leda Palace

Son of Constantine VII
WIP June 2020 (270 AS)

Leda Palace Aged 34 AS

Son of Constantine VII
Edward II

270 AS

273 AS
(3 Stefanic Years)

N/A March 2020 (267 AS)

Leda Palace

Daughter of William I
WIP November 2020 (275 AS)

Leda Palace Aged 20 AS

Son of George I
House of Zor-Mako-Vasa
Constantine IX

"The Holy Graalian Emperor"

275 AS

311 AS
(36 Stefanic Years)

Until 296 AS: 296 - 311 AS:
February 2020 (266 AS)

Stenhammer Palace

Son of Prime Minister Sir Alexander, the 1st Viscount Lochland
Katherine Vasa November 2023 (311 AS)

Leda Palace Aged 20 AS

Great-grandson of Constantine IV
Carolus XIII
"The Young"

311 AS

to present(1 Stefanic Year...)

February 2017 (306 AS)

Stenhammer Palace

Son of John, Prince of Kiev
Single Living

5 Stefanic Years

Grandson of Constantine IX and Great-grandson of Edward II