Portraits of Constantine IX

Introduction Edit

Constantine IX Vasa is one of the most influential monarchs within the New Sarovian Empire and Her Colonies and Dominions, as well as the Sarovian Commonwealth. Therefore, Constantine IX Vasa has several portraits for different types of occasions, such as: Army, Navy, Coronation Portrait, Official State Portrait, among his portraits in several Commonwealth Realms and Sarovian Dominions.

Artistic Works Edit

Constantine IX's Portraits in Imperial Army Edit

Commander-in-chief of the Imperial Sarovian Army Portrait Edit

Official portrait of Constantine IX Vasa as Commander-in-chief of the Imperial Sarovian Army in Hussars Uniform, by: Laisa.

The portrait opposite was made for Constantine IX Vasa as Commander-in-chief of the Imperial Sarovian Army by the late artist Laisa Müller. In the portrait one can notice several details, among them one can notice the uniform of Constantine IX Vasa which is of the Lord Alexander's Light Horse Regiment, a hussar uniform. In addition, the orange sash of the Order of the Vasas is also noted. In addition, the fields of Kiev province can also be seen in the background. Consequently, you can see Constantine IX Vasa mounted on his white horse known as Firebrand, usually used when Constantine IX Vasa visited the battlefields (more precisely during wars against barbarian nations, such as: Loganites, Bushido Clan, among others). In addition, there is a peculiarity in this portrait, since the medals of Constantine IX Vasa are not represented, unlike other portraits, due to the fact that the medals are not fitted in the pattern of a hussars uniform. The Portrait was made in 300 AS and is used to this day to represent Constantine IX Vasa as Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Sarovian Army, although it is sometimes replaced by the official portrait of Constantine IX Vasa as Field Marshal of the Empire.

Official portrait of Constantine IX Vasa as Commander-in-Chief of the Blue Guard Corps, by: Laisa.

Commander-in-chief of the Blue Guard Corps Portrait Edit

Constantine IX Vasa also has his official portrait as Commander-in-Chief of the Blue Guard Corps. The Portrait was also made by Laisa Müller in 300 AS. Going into detail, it is noted that Constantine IX Vasa is wearing his uniform as Commander-in-Chief of the Blue Guard Corps. As monarch, he also has the distinction to wear an aiguillette on his left shoulder. In addition, the uniform shows the orange sash of the Order of the Vasas, as well as the presence of two stars - these being the Order of the Vasas and the Order of the New Sarovian Empire. Also, it can be noted that Constantine IX Vasa is resting his Blue Guard Corps hat on his official saber, usually used during ceremonies within the Imperial Sarovian Army, as well as the Blue Guard Corps itself. It is worth mentioning that one can notice the details in the background of the portrait, where Constantine IX Vasa is leaning on a pillar of the Stenhammer Palace. Consequently, the presence of a lake and some mountains close to the Stenhammer Palace are notable on the horizon. The Portrait is only used to mention Constantine IX Vasa in matters relating to the Blue Guard Corps, although it is not used much, it is one of Laisa's favorite portraits of Constantine IX Vasa.

Official portrait of Constantine IX Vasa as Field Marshal of the Imperial Sarovian Army, commissioned by the Duke of Poltava.

Field Marshal of the Empire Portrait Edit

Constantine IX Vasa also has an official portrait as Field Marshal of the Empire, this being one of the most detailed portraits of Constantine IX Vasa within the Imperial Sarovian Army. The Portrait was commissioned by the Duke of Poltava as a Christmas gift for Constantine IX Vasa. Going down to the details, in this portrait, Constantine IX Vasa is wearing his uniform as a Field Marshal of the Empire. The medal ribbons at the top are an accurate representation of all Sarovian medals, from the Constantine Cross (top left) to the Exemplary Service Medal (bottom right). They are also in order of importance. Below that is the exact version of the star of the Order of the Vasas. Also, it can be noted the ranks on the shoulders, which, according to Constantine IX Vasa is one of the most detailed, depicting the rank. The Imperial Sarovian Army is also seen at a camp in the provinces of Upper Preuze. The Portrait was also made in 300 AS, and is a favorite of Constantine IX Vasa as a whole. The Portrait is used to represent Constantine IX Vasa as Field Marshal of the Empire, and in some cases as Commander-in-chief of the Imperial Sarovian Army.

Old Field Marshal's of the Empire Portrait Edit

Old portrait of Constantine IX Vasa as Field Marshal of the Empire.

This is the one of the oldest portraits of Constantine IX Vasa as Field Marshal of the Empire. In addition, for a long time it was one of the most famous portraits of the New Sarovian Empire, so much so that it was used in the imperial anthem: "A Saroviana". The Portrait was made in 285 AS. It is not known for sure who designed this portrait, but we can notice numerous details in it, the main ones being: The orange sash of the Order of the Vasas on the uniform of Field Marshal of the Empire, as well as the Constantine Cross. Furthermore, it is noted that Constantine IX Vasa is holding his ceremonial saber in his left hand as well as his Field Marshal Baton in his right hand.

For a long time the portrait was used to represent Constantine IX Vasa in matters related to the Imperial Sarovian Army and the ISAF as a whole, but it ended up no longer being used as Constantine IX Vasa grew older, and with that, portraits emerged. more up-to-date although this is one of the favorite portraits of Constantine IX Vasa.

Constantine IX's Portraits in Imperial Navy Edit

Commander-in-chief of the Imperial Sarovian Navy and First Sea Lord Portrait Edit

Official portrait of Constantine IX Vasa as First Sea Lord of the Imperial Sarovian Navy.

Although Constantine IX Vasa has several portraits in the Imperial Sarovian Army for different occasions, within the Imperial Sarovian Navy in Ostos, Boreas and Orios, he has only two portraits. Chief among these, this being the officer, is used to represent Constantine IX Vasa in both Ostos, Boreas and Orios, his portrait as Commander-in-chief of the Imperial Sarovian Navy and First Sea Lord of the Realm. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the portrait was made in 294 AS, and, until today, it is used as an official portrait of Constantine IX Vasa as Commander-in-chief of the Imperial Sarovian Navy.

Going to the details, Constantine IX Vasa is wearing his official uniform as First Sea Lord of the Realm (somewhat similar to that of Field Marshal, however, this one being darker with a dark blue tone), in addition, it is also noted in his shoulders his position as First Sea Lord of the Realm and Commander-in-chief of the Imperial Sarovian Navy, and, one can also notice all the medals on the uniform. In his left hand, Constantine IX Vasa is holding his ceremonial saber, usually used at Imperial Navy events. In addition, in his right hand, Constantine IX Vasa is holding a pair of binoculars as he enjoys the beautiful views of the Leda Palace skyline. In the background, one can see that Constantine IX Vasa is on the balcony of Leda Palace, and one can see an eagle as well as the coat of arms of the New Sarovian Empire. It is also worth mentioning that this is one of the favorites of His Imperial Majesty.

A portrait of Constantine IX Vasa as First Sea Lord in your summer naval uniform. By: Loop Lancaster-Kinwood.

Second First Sea Lord of the Realm Portrait Edit

This is the second official portrait of Constantine IX Vasa as First Sea Lord of the Realm. Generally, the portrait is not used much, but it is undoubtedly one of His Imperial Majesty's favorites. The Portrait was made 301 AS by the late Loop Lancaster-Kinwood, one of the best and talented Lusophone artists of the New Sarovian Empire and Her Colonies and Dominions, as a way of presenting Constantine IX Vasa for his great deeds and victories won in Ostos.

Going down to the details, Constantine IX Vasa is wearing the Far West Fleet summer naval uniform. Consequently, you can see all the medals on the uniform, as well as on his shoulders his rank as First Sea Lord and Commander-in-chief of the Imperial Sarovian Navy. Also, in his left hand, Constantine IX Vasa is holding a scroll containing some reform orders for the Imperial Sarovian Navy. In the background, it is noted that Constantine IX Vasa is in the Leda Palace.

Constantine IX's Portraits in Sarovian Commonwealth Edit

The Official State portrait of Constantine IX Vasa as King of the Sarovians and Emperor of the Sarovian Commonwealth.

The Official State Portrait of Constantine IX Vasa as King of the Sarovians and Emperor of the Sarovian Commonwealth Edit

This is Constantine IX Vasa's favorite portrait. This being the most detailed portrait of the entire New Sarovian Empire as well as its Dominions, Colonies and Commonwealth Realms. The portrait was commissioned by Empress-Consort Dame Katherine Vasa for the cultural competition on 21 May 2023. It has since become the official portrait of Constantine IX Vasa as King of the Sarovians and Emperor of the Sarovian Commonwealth.

Moving on to the best part, the details. Without a doubt this is one of the most detailed portraits of the New Sarovian Empire. Constantine IX Vasa is wearing his uniform as Field Marshal of the Empire, and you can see some gold details on his sleeves. Additionally, the uniform contains all medals, including Cross and Stars (specifically in this order: Constantine Cross, Imperial Star of Service, Cross of Valor, Volunteer's Cross, Sovereign's Cross, Cross of Military Valor, Medal of Merit, Medal of Bravery , Exemplary Service Medal. In addition, the stars of the Order of the Black Sun of the Grand Kingdom of the State can be seen. In turn, Constantine IX Vasa is wearing two necklaces: the Necklace of the Order of the Vasas, together with the Necklace of the Order of the New Sarovian Empire. Also, in his left hand, Constantine IX Vasa is pointing to an article in the Constitution of the New Sarovian Empire, while in his right hand he holds the Field Marshal Baton. It is also worth mentioning that Constantine IX Vasa is wearing his Coronation robe over his Field Marshal of the Empirel uniform. In the background, it is noted that Constantine IX Vasa is in the Leda Palace, and, one can notice the presence of the Imperial Throne, as well as a painting of the Imperial Sarovian Navy in the background (which can be seen along with the rest of the crowns in the full art)

The old state portrait of Constantine IX Vasa as King of the Sarovians and Emperor of the Sarovian Commonwealth in Leda Palace.

The Old State Portrait of Constantine IX Vasa as King of the Sarovians and Emperor of the Sarovian Commonwealth Edit

This is one of Royo y Imperad's favorite portraits. This portrait was commissioned with the aim of being the official state portrait of Constantine IX Vasa as Royo eui do Sarovians y Imperad eui lan Comune Saroviana. This portrait was used for a long time as the official state portrait until the creation of the new official state portrait in 2023.

Going to the details, it is possible to notice in the portrait that Constantine IX Vasa is wearing his clothes when he was Field Marshal of the Empire, where, it is possible to notice the collars of the Orders of the New Sarovian Empire and the Order of the Vasas. Also, note the Constantine Cross and the Cross of the Order of the Black Sun representing the Grand Kingdom of the State. Furthermore, Constantine IX Vasa has his coronation cape used only on very special occasions such as the opening of parliament and during the speech from the throne. It can also be noted that Constantine IX Vasa is holding in his right hand the Field Marshal's Baton which is above the Imperial Constitution of the New Sarovian Empire and Her Colonies and Dominions. Knowing this, above the Constitution one can notice three crowns: the Imperial State Crown (which represents the New Sarovian Empire and Her Colonies and Dominions), the Royal Crown of the Grand Kingdom of the State (representing The State under the ownership of the Vasa), and lastly the Royal Crown of the Oxerians (representing Oxeria under the possession of Constantine IX Vasa, and consequently under the possession of the Vasa Dynasty).

In addition to all these honors, the Imperial Throne can be seen in the background, built by gnomes in the province of Swamp Town in the middle of 207 AS, being preserved until the present day. One information that few people know is that the throne was built with Hardwood, and, having a purple fabric in the place of seat. Currently, the Imperial Throne is estimated to be worth approximately 500,000 SR.

This is the official state portrait of Constantine IX Vasa within the Dominion of Carolusburg, representing him as Auro-Carodian Emperor and defender of all of Ol'West.

The Official Portrait of Constantine IX Vasa as King of the Carolusburg and Aurean Emperor Edit

This is one of the most recent portraits of Constantine IX Vasa by the 2nd Viscount Camrose and 1st Viscount Teri, Lanz Teri-Vicenz Kinwood Bonhart, son of the second Governor-General of the Carolusburg, Theodor Kinwood. The portrait was made as a gift to Constantine IX Vasa during Empire Day - 2023 to commemorate the anniversary of the New Sarovian Empire (mother nation of the Dominion of Carolusburg). The portrait is used to this day as the official state portrait of Constantine IX Vasa within the Dominion of Carolusburg.

Going to the details, it is noted that Constantine IX Vasa is wearing his robes as Aurean Emperor (represented by the Fleur de Lis on his coronation cape). Also, in his left hand, Constantine IX Vasa is holding the hat of the former Old Guard Corps (currently the Royal Carodian Militia). On the other hand, in his right hand, Constantine IX Vasa is holding the royal scepter of the Dominion of Carolusburg. Already in his robes, it is noted that Constantine IX Vasa is wearing the necklace of the Order of the Aurean Empire (currently extinct, however, his necklace was rescued by Militiamens of the 1st Ukräsda Battalion of the Royal Carodian Militia, and delivered to Constantine IX Vasa as a gift).

In addition to the honors and vestments, in the background one can see the crown of the Aurean Empire rescued after the annexation of the Aurean Empire to the Dominion of Carolusburg, and, consequently, the Imperial Throne whose monogram of Kevlar III Vaughn was removed and the monogram of Constantine IX Vasa was placed as a representation of the Sarovian Commonwealth and global domination. Also, the portrait was painted at Escora Province, Royal Emerald Palace, 1 Old Valeroche Avenue.