October-February Term (2022-2023)

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2022-2023 General Elections

October-February Term


D. Henrie Vasa, Duc eui Belbata
Caps Party

Leader of the Opposition:

Theodor Kinwood, 2nd Marquis eui Burvanica
Hats Party


4/8 by Caps Party
3/8 by Hats Party


Richard Lux, Duc eui Burvanica

The October-February Term (2022-2023) it was the second official legislature of the Dominion of Carolusburg following the creation of the Royal Carodian Parliament. The parliament increased its seats to 8, with the aim of being won by the main parties: Hats Party and Caps Party, respectively, center-right and center-left parties. The Leader of the Western Caps was D. Henrie Vasa, Duc eui Belbata, while the leader of the Western Hats was Theodor Kinwood.

Election[edit | edit source]

Candidacy[edit | edit source]

Western Caps chose the following candidates: D. Henrie Vasa, Alucard, Cassio, Juno and Katherine, respectively for the provinces of: Belbata, Minolia, Carolusburg, Elster and Cape Edward

Western Hats chose the following candidates: Theodor Kinwood, Doss, Lanz and Katto, respectively for the provinces of: Burvanica, Paziterra, New Preuze and Elster.

Election Day[edit | edit source]

The result of the election was 4-3, that is, there was not a majority in the Carodian House of Commons, which meant that HM the Royo ordered the leader of the parties to present a Budget, and, whoever was accepted, would be appointed as Prime Minister. This meant that for the first time in the history of the Royal Carodian Parliament, the party leaders formed an agreement, naming D. Henrie Vasa as Prime-minister and Theodor as Deputy Prime-Minister.