May-June Term (2023)

The May-June Term (2023) it was the fifth official legislature of the Dominion of Carolusburg since the creation of the Royal Carodian Parliament. Parliament maintained its 8 seats with the aim of being won by the main parties: Hats Party, Caps Party and Liberals, respectively, center-right and center-left parties. The Leader of the Western Caps was Johann von Padoa, while the leader of the Western Hats was Lanz, and, Doss was leader of the Liberals.

2023 General Elections

March-May Term



Doss Kinwood
Carodian Liberals

Leader of the Opposition:

Lanz Kinwood
Hats Party


4/8 by Carodian Liberals
2/8 by Caps Party
2/8 by Hats Party


Theodor Kinwood, 2nd Marquis eui Burvanica

Election Edit

Candidacy Edit

Western Caps selected the following candidates: Johann, Regalius and Erich, for the respective provinces: New Preuze, Cape Edward and Elster.

Western Hats selected the following candidates: Lanz and Koji, for the respective provinces: Carolusburg and Paziterra.

Liberals select the following candidates: Destyail, Gustavo, Doss, Dragon and Gabriel, for the respective provinces: Belbata, Minolia, Burvanica, Elster and Carolusburg.

Election Day Edit