King of Carolusburg and Aurea (title)

The Monarchy of the Dominion of Carolusburg and Aurea, also referred to simply as The Monarchy of Carodia-Aurea, is the form of government of the Dominion of Carolusburg and Aurea personified by the sovereign and head-of-state Auro-Carodian. It is one of the main components of Carodian sovereignty and is at the center of the Dominion's constitutional federal structure and parliamentary democracy in the style of its closest ally, the New Sarovian Empire. The current monarch of the Dominion of Carolusburg is Carolus XIII Vasa, who within the Dominion receives the name of Carolus II Vasa, who has reigned since 311 AS (November, 2022).

King of Carolusburg and Aurea

Royo eui Carodia y Aurea

The Crown of the Auro-Carodian King


His Royal Majesty, the King of the Carolusburg and Aurea

First Monarch:

Kevlar I Vaughn
(Aurean Empire)

Current Monarch:

Carolus II


Escora Province, Royal Emerald Palace, 1 Old Valeroche

Although the person of the sovereign is shared with other Sarovian Dominions and Commonwealth Realms, each country's monarchy is separate and legally distinct. As a result, the current monarch is officially titled Royo eui Carolusburg y Aurea or King of Carolusburg and Aurea, and in this capacity he and other members of the imperial family perform public and private roles at home and abroad as representatives of Carolusburg and Aurea. However, the monarch is the only member of the imperial family with any constitutional role. The Monarch lives predominantly in the New Sarovian Empire, and although many powers rest exclusively with the sovereign, most royal governmental and ceremonial duties in the Auro-Carodian provinces are undertaken by the monarch's representative, the Governor-General of Carolusburg, currently Tsu Kinwood.

As all executive authority belongs to the sovereign, royal assent is necessary to allow bills to become law and letters patent and orders in council to have legal effect. Although the power for these acts comes from the Carodian people through the constitutional conventions of the democracy, executive authority remains vested in the Crown and is only entrusted by the sovereign to government on behalf of the people. This underlines the role of the Crown in safeguarding the rights, freedoms and democratic system of government of the Carodians, reinforcing the fact that: "governments are servants of the people and not the other way around". Thus, within the Carolusburg constitutional monarchy, the sovereign's direct participation in any of these areas of governance is normally limited, with the sovereign typically exercising executive authority only with the advice and consent of the Carolusburg Cabinet and the sovereign's legislature. Judicial responsibilities are largely carried out through the Royal Carolusburg Parliament. There are, however, cases in which the sovereign or his representative would have a duty to act directly and independently under the doctrine of necessity to prevent genuinely unconstitutional acts. In these respects, the sovereign and his viceroys are the guardians of the Crown's reserve powers and represent the "power of the people above the government and political parties". Put another way, the Crown functions as a guarantor of the continued and stable governance of Carolusubrg and as a non-partisan safeguard against abuse of power. Despite its fundamental constitutional functions, the monarchy continues to be widely misunderstood not only by the Carodian public, but also by many politicians.

Carolusburg is one of the oldest existing Graal monarchies. Initially established as the Aurean Empire, the monarchy evolved through a continuous succession of sovereigns, initially de facto Aureans, and later Carodians due to the annexation of the Aurean Empire to the Dominion of Carolusburg in 295 AS.

International and domestic aspects

The person who is the Carodian sovereign is shared equally with other nations (a grouping, including Carolusburg, known as the Sarovian Commonwealth). The Monarch predominantly resides in the oldest and most populous Empire, the New Sarovian Empire; viceroys (the Governor-General of Carolusburg) are the sovereign's representatives in Carolusburg. The emergence of this was after the official approval of the Commonwealth Act, and, after the end of the Second Saro-Aurean War, where, the Aurean Prince Richard Lux ​​Vaughn would assume the post of Governor-General. The sovereign's role as a Carodian monarch has been distinct from his position as monarch of any other nation, including the New Sarovian Empire. Only the federal Carodian ministers of the Crown can advise the sovereign on any and all matters of the Carodian state, of which the sovereign, when not in Carolusburg, is kept informed weekly through communication with the Viceroy. The Monarchy therefore ceased to be an exclusively Sarovian institution and in Carolusburg became a carodian, or "domesticated" establishment, although it is still often denoted as "Sarovian" in both legal and common parlance, for historical, political, and political reasons. and coexistence.

Style and title of the Carodian sovereign

The Style and title of the Carodian sovereign is the formal mode of address of the monarch of Carolusburg. The form is based on those inherited from the New Sarovian Empire and the Aurean Empire, used in the colonies to refer to the reigning monarch in Ostos. As several Carodian territories changed ownership and the country gradually gained independence, the style and title of the monarchs changed almost as often as the Kings themselves. The mode of address currently employed is a combination of an original style and a title established by the Carodian Constitution.

Current style and titles

In 295 AS, when the Aurean Empire was to be annexed to the newly formed Dominion of Carolusburg by Constantine IX Vasa, the Carodian Parliament adopted in its royal constitution a formal style for the monarch. From this, the titles of the Auro-Carodian sovereign are, in English:

His Royal and Most Stefanic Majesty, by the Grace of Stefan, the Holy Graalian Emperor, King of Carolusburg and of the Sarovians, Emperor of the Sarovian Commonwealth and of the Other Realms, Defender of the Stefanic Faith.

Em High Sarovian:

Tel Imperialò y Stefanica Majis, pur lan Graza eui Stefan, Saïntos Rozirre eui Lauterra, Royo eui Carolusburg y do Sarovians, Imperad eui lan Comune Saroviana y Protegésse eun Fé.

The style and titles were composed to distinctly mention Carolusburg, so as to highlight the monarch's shared status, being monarch of Carolusburg, and, separately, of the New Sarovian Empire, as well as the other Commonwealth Realms; with emphasis showing the distinct title of Royo eui Carolusburg incorporated into the earlier formal title. Furthermore, it is noted that the style is explicit about the position of Holy Graalian Emperor, which puts emphasis on the power of ruler of the Graalian people, just as Tristan was.

Although King's carodian titles include Defender of the Faith / Protegésse eun Fé, Neither the monarch nor any of the viceroys have an official religious role in Carolusburg. After all, this post is used within the Stefanic Holy See to represent the Defender of the rights of the Papacy, and, of the Stefanic Faith, in addition, to protect the holy land of Tristopoli.


Aurean Empire

In 2016, the Aurean Emperor Kevlar I reigned under the First Aurean Empire, who, during his reign established the Aurean Imperial Court whose Lords (the Aurean nobles) were given powers similar to government officials. Although a government in the Aurean Empire was something barbaric and feudal, the Crown of the Aurean Empire remained faithful to the Vaughn Dynasty. At that time, the Aurean Empire was active on the Continent of Estos, with the City of York as its capital, known as Old Valeroche. However, due to the instability of the Aurean Empire in Estos and its difficulty in leadership, the Aurean Emperor Kevlar I Vaughn ordered the ships HEWS Ironclad and HEWS Sovereign to set sail for Ostos to establish the first Aurean colonies.

After the failure of the Aurean Empire to campaign Estos, Aurean Emperor Kevlar I passed away, and his heir Kevlar II Vaughn assumed the Emerald Throne. During the Second Aurean Empire, this time in Ostos, Kevlar II established a proper government creating the noble House of Lords, thus naming what would be the first Ministers of the Aurean Empire. The Empire of Kevlar II was extremely promising for Aurea, even developing technologically and industrially. In addition to civilizing the populations of the South Island of the Continent. However, even though Kevlar II was a good Emperor for the Aurean people, he made a very serious mistake when he tried to attack a Sarovian garrison on a patrol through Gaston Hill (currently known as: Northern Territory). During the Aurean attack on the Sarovian garrison, a sailor known as Michael (later to become Michael Vasa-Vaughn), shot the Aurean Emperor Kevlar II Vaughn who would be riding his beautiful white horse. At that same moment, Kevlar II, already dead, fell from his horse, decreeing the tragic end of the Second Empire.

Time passed and the Aurean House of Lords established in the Second Empire, gathered in the city of Valeroche (currently referred to as Escora), where, the Aurean Lords according to the imperial lineage found a distant heir of Kevlar II, thus Kevlar III Vaughn was crowned as the Third Aurean Emperor implementing the Third Aurean Empire. So it came as no surprise when the Third Aurean Empire came to be revered as the Third Golden Age by all who lived during its time. His Imperial Excellency signed the Imperial Edict nº 4 into force, initiating the relocation of the Imperial Capital from Old Valeroche of Yorke in Estos, to the province of Valeroche in Ostos, with the city of Fiore as the center of the Aurean government; a move that came as an immense shock to the international community, but widespread praise from its people. Across the ocean, the Aurean population prospered, making groundbreaking advances in all areas of national advancement, coining the first functional economy seen on either continent, expanding the Aurean Imperial Government, creating the Aurean House of Representatives, comprised of Magistrates elected by the aurean population to represent each province of the Empire, in addition to the Grand Magistrate who was elected in Valeroche to lead the Chamber. As well as the Great Imperial Army of the Aurean Empire, among many other achievements. However, Kevlar III Vaughn, already very old, died in his Imperial residence. The Death of the Aurea Emperor was a shock to the population. All Aureans were in mourning and wailing in the streets of Valeroche. Kevlar III had no heirs, as his wife Mika Vaughn was unable to produce heirs, so the Aurean House of Lords convened at the Conférence de l'Empereur, this being a meeting to decide the future of the Aurean Empire and who would take over the throne. The Conference took days, until finally someone close to Kevlar III appeared, his name was Nylius Vaughn, nephew of Kevlar III. Thus, the House of Lords granted him the position of Dauphin of Aurea, and soon after, he received the title of Aurean Emperor. Thus, decreeing the beginning of the Fourth Aurean Empire.

The Fourth Aurean Empire led to the reversal of many policies held by previous emperors and allowed the noble faction to reach a new peak of unchecked power; an oversight that would later lead to the fragmentation of the Empire. As civil war threatened the Empire, something shocking stopped the entire Empire. A guy who claimed to be the lost son of the late Aurean Emperor, Kevlar III (which shocked the population since supposedly Kevlar III would have betrayed the late Empress-Consort of Aurea, Mika Vaughn, so that Kevlar III would have an heir) arrived at the gates of Valeroche, riding in full imperial dress. Until, ready to reclaim his throne, he saw a column of soldiers promptly armed. These soldiers did not wear blue uniforms like the Old Guard Corps, but rather the bright blue dress of the Sarovians. So he was arrested. It would later be handed over to the Aurean population as a goodwill gesture on the part of the Sarovians. Time passed and this fellow managed to gather a group of mercenaries to overthrow Nylius I. He purged all turncoats and foreign conspirators from the nobility and gave even more power to a now shrunken army in hopes of restoring safety to his people. Thus began the Fifth Aurean Empire under Kevlar IV Vaughn.

Under a new Emperor, the Fifth Age (or Fifth Aurean Empire) took effect, quickly returning the Empire to a place of absolute stability. Not content with simply achieving glory at home, he moved away from New Sarovia's guidelines and soon turned his gaze to international diplomacy and global affairs. He founded the heretical Stefanic Church, declaring the Aurean Empire's intent to protect the true faith and sustenance of all people united under Stefan's grace. Shortly after, he reached out to the nations of Estos, hoping to promote more settlements and civilizations on the sands of Ostos' south coast. As time passed, Kevlar IV adopted his uncle's son and named him heir apparent, granting him the imperial inheritance as Dauphin of Aurea. It was with this move that the Emperor declared the formation of the Sixth Aurean Empire, an Empire he was quoted as saying: “It would be lifted on the shoulders of the new sons and daughters of Aurea, to reach heights formerly considered impossible by the old. like me."

The Sixth Age, at its height, was a prosperous era for Aurea in Ostos, with activity and ambition comparable only to the Third Aurean Empire. Aurea, at this time, reached its economic peak - with the successes of previous economic masters such as the former Lord Peter Rhodes, Duke of Gaston and Comte of Albion, Aurea's already wealthy base was boosted further by a new House of Lords. This economic pre-eminence has placed Aurea, once again, on a geopolitical pedestal. After Kevlar IV's retirement and abdication, a silent coronation was held for Cassio I, cousin of Kevlar IV and son of Nylius II, inside the Palace of Valeroche. With that, Cassio I proclaimed to his people the beginning of the Seventh Aurean Empire.

In anticipation of the retirement of lords loyal to his uncle, Cassio I restructured the Aurean House of Lords to consist of new blood, hoping that the youth of a new generation of Aureans would prove more effective in governing than the old ones. The Seventh Age Imperial Government was the first time that there was no direct influence from an Aurean Lord as the first government. Hoping to spread Stefanic and Aurea influence, Cassio I commanded the Great Imperial Army sailed back east, reclaiming land lost after Imperial Edict No. 4 and proclaiming the colony of “New Fiore” in northern Estos. They would be decisively defeated by an ally of the New Sarovian Empire - the Empire of Amestria. With the shameful defeats at Estos, the Aurean House of Lords called for the abdication of Cassio I and his replacement by their most talented leaders.

After the abdication of Cassio the Magnanimous, Kevlar V would take over with the intention of assembling the most successful army ever seen. Utilizing Loganite rebel forces. Thus, the two forged the creation of the Auro-”State” Empire. This was the last straw and affront to the Sarovians who mobilized and decisively defeated the Aureans twice in Estos, taking the Imperial Standard among others; guns, guns and much more. In Ostos, battles crushed the Old Guard Corps repeatedly, and for the first time in history, Aurea accepted that Sarovia defeated them in battle. All other times they were swept under the rug and lied to. All Aurean forces surrendered in the Treaty of Leda, which included humiliating war reparations, the cession of all territory, and complete surrender.

Dominion of Carolusburg

Coronation of Constantine IX Vasa as Constantine I of Carodia-Aurea.

After the humiliation that the Aurean Empire had received after being completely destroyed by the New Sarovian Empire, the former House of Lords together with the last Aurean Emperor, Cassio I, fled to the newly created Dominion of Carolusburg, commanded by the Royo eui Carolusburg, Constantine I , along with His Grace the late Governor-General Richard Lux-Vaughn. Thus, the Aurean Lords along with Cassio I crowned Constantine I of Carolusburg and IX of Sarovia as the rightful holder of the title of Aurean Emperor, from the Act of Reclamation and Relinquishment.

Thus, with the coronation of Constantine IX as the rightful and only Aurean Emperor, the Dominion of Carolusburg was given the position of successor to the Aurean Empire. Thus known as the Dominion of Auro-Carodia, or in its archaic form as "The Loyal, United and Free Dominion of Carolusburg and Aurea". Thus, the old title of Aurea Emperor came to be referred to as Royo eui Carodia y Aurea, or just Royo eui Carodia-Aurea, belonging to His Royal Majesty, Constantine I of Carodia-Aurea.

Titles of the Auro-Carodian Sovereigns

Period Title Monarch
The Vaughn Dinasty
224 - 226 AS By the Grace of the Stefan, His Excellency, the Aurean Emperor, Father of the Aureans and Patriarch of the Vaughn Dinasty Kevlar I
225 - 228 AS By the Grace of the Stefan, His Excellency, the Aurean Emperor and King of the Aureans, Father of the Aureans, Patriarch of the Vaughn Dinasty and Duke of Fiore and Mossen. Kevlar II
Kevlar III
227 - 232 AS
232 AS By the Grace of the Stefan, His Excellency, the Aurean Emperor and King of the Aureans, Patriarch of the Vaughn Dinasty and Comte of the Bastille Nylius I
233 - 260 AS By the Grace of the Stefan, His Excellency, the Aurean Emperor, Father of the Aureans and Patriarch of the Vaughn Dinasty Kevlar IV
280 - 290 AS By the Grace of the Stefan, His Imperial Excellency, the Aurean Emperor and King of the Sarovians, King of the Sarovians (illegitimate), Grand Duke of Treor, New Fiore, Valeroche and Defender of the Realm. Cassio I
295 AS By the Grace of the Stefan, His Imperial Excellency, the Aurean Emperor and King of the Aureans, Father of the Aureans, Patriarch of the Vaughn Dinasty, and King of The Auro-State (illegitimate) Kevlar V
The House of Zor-Mako-Vasa
295 - 311 AS
311 AS - to present
His Royal and Most Stefanic Majesty, by the Grace of Stefan, the Holy Graalian Emperor, King of Carolusburg and of the Sarovians, Emperor of the Sarovian Commonwealth and of the Other Realms, Defender of the Stefanic Faith. Constantine IX
Carolus XIII Vasa

Monarchs of Carolusburg and Aurea

Coronation Portrait Monarch Reign Governor-Generals Prime-Ministers
The Vaughn Dinasty
N/A Kevlar I 224 AS 226 AS Non-existent positions
N/A Kevlar II 225 (disputed)

226 (de jure)

228 AS
N/A Kevlar III 228 AS 232 AS
N/A Nylius I 232 AS
N/A Kevlar IV 233 AS 260 AS
  Cassio I 280 AS 290 AS Non-existent position Peter Rhodes, Duke of Gaston
Kevlar V 295 AS Non-existent position
The House of Zor-Mako-Vasa
Constantine I 295 AS 311 AS
  Carolus II 311 AS to present
  • Umbra U. Averith