The Ninety Years War (2016-2023)

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The Ninety Years War

2016-2023 (225-316)

Clockwise from top left: The Wreck of the HEWS Ironclad, The Taking of Valeroche, The Battle of Modena and Constantine IX in the center, The Surrender of the Imperial Landwehr Corps.


225 AS - 316 AS


New Sarovian Empire (Estos and Ostos)
Aurean Empire (Estos and Ostos)


Sarovian Commonwealth victory
Annexation of the Aurean Empire to the Dominion of Carolusburg
• Annexation of the Aurean Ostos' territories
• End of the Aurean Hegemony in Ostos and Estos
• The Creation of the Dominion of Carolusburg
• End of the Loganite Rebels
• End of the Angelite Rebels

Political changes:

The New Sarovian Empire after ninety stefanic years conquers hegemony over the continent of Ostos, previously dominated by the Aureans. The NSE as trump card seizes the Aurean throne and crowns Constantine IX as the first Aurean monarch of the Vasa lineage. The NSE and the Dominion of Carolusburg face the Angelite rebels (led by the pretender Angel Gatz whose claim to the Aurean throne), where they triumph over the rebels.


Vasa Commonwealth:
New Sarovian Empire
Dominion of Carolusburg
Kingdom of The State
Blades of Nekron


The Aurean Empire
• Loganite Rebels
• Angelite Rebels

The Ninety Years' War was a series of conflicts fought between the New Sarovian Empire and the Aurean Empire from 2016 to 2023 (or in Stefanics years 225 to 316 AS). The Conflict originated during the period of exploration of the recently discovered Continent of Ostos, where, during the reign of Constantine IV, the Emerald Town Expedition Corps was created, where they directly fought the New Frontier Republic led by Kevlar Vaughn, this being the first clash between the Vaughns and Vasas, which resulted in the Aureans' victory pushing the Sarovians into the newly created Crown Colony of Westling.

The Ninety Years' War was one of the most significant conflicts in the history of the Graalians. Being the biggest rivalry in history. Two rival dynasties constantly fought for the throne of the rival nation, being a war of both territory and influence.

Forces present

The Vasa Commonwealth

The Vasa Commonwealth, iInitially, it had not entered the conflict as it had not been officially founded. However, the first traces of it were several alliances that the New Sarovian Empire formed. These alliances were both with nations from Ostos and Estos, as well as large Ostos companies that constantly supplied armaments to the New Sarovian Empire, one of the main companies was the Atwell Corps (which since its foundation repudiated the existence of the Aurean Empire and its absolute control over the Continent).

However, most of the battles were one-on-one duels, that is, just Sarovia and Aurea carrying out skirmishes throughout the continent. In other words, the Vasa Commonwealth would only become present during the Second Saro-Aurean War (2022), where, Blades of Nekron and the Grand Kingdom of the State would participate against the rebel Loganites and the Aureans.

The Aurean Empire

The Aurean Empire was the main ruler of the Continent of Ostos from 2016 until 2022, having as an absurd advantage the large amounts of land, and, mainly, better quality weapons, as well as mass production of ammunition and military equipment, such as: warships and ammunition. The Aurean Empire was extremely strong due to its elite: the Old Guard Corps, a branch within the Imperial Aurean Army led by the Aurean Prince Laken Vaughn-Henri, which selected the best members of the Aurean Army for the Old Guard Corps, where they provided equipment , and, money for its members.

Although the Aurean Empire had better equipment and absurd amounts of ores, they lacked one thing essential for the functioning of a nation at this point: organization and democracy. The Aurean Empire was a disguised feudal absolute monarchy with governing bodies that pretended to be democratic, an example of which is the Aurean House of Representatives (HoR), which was completely manipulated by the Aurean House of Lords (HoL), thus preventing the will of the people were made, and, solely, the wishes of the Aurean Lords and members of House Vaughn.

Loganite Rebels

The Loganite Rebels were a separatist group led by Logan (a pretender to the Grand Kingdom of The State), who were financed by the Aurean Empire in the creation of the Auro-Loganite Empire (which was a failure due to mismanagement by the rebel leaders, and, Aureans).

Angelite Rebels

The Angelite Rebels were a separatist group led by Angel Gatz (a pretender to the Aurean Empire), who constantly warred against the Sarovian Commonwealth after the end of the Second Saro-Aurean War (2022) for the throne of the Aurean Empire. However, it came to a tragic end after the failure of the attempt to keep the rebellion active.


The causes of the conflict can be traced to the initial period of exploration of Ostos in 2016, as well as the initial Sarovian claims to the Aurean throne. The outbreak of war was motivated by a gradual increase in tension between the monarchs of Aurea and Sarovia; the official pretext was the issue that arose over the creation of a Sarovian Colony in Westling, which for the Aureans was an important region for trade, known as Verdun, and, owned by the Henri (an Aurean noble family led by the Aurean Prince Laken Vaughn-Henri).

Furthermore, we can also note that Sarovia initially intended to evangelize the continent by preaching Stefanism, which was initially not accepted by the Aurean people, who at the time did not have an official religion, but there are theories that within the Imperial House of Vaughn had cults of the demon Stephane Portha, which would anger the Sarovian cleric, convincing Constantine IV that the Aureans were a threat to be neutralized.

The Beginning of the War: 2016

Johannes Karl Gustaf Oxenstierna in 2016, he created the Emerald Town Expedition Corps (ETEC) whose objective was to discover whether the Continent of Ostos really existed, and to colonize the region. The proposal was sent to the Sarovian monarch Constantine IV Vasa, who would accept the proposal, thus financing the project with ships, armaments and men. The Journey lasted approximately 1 Stefanic Year, where they disembarked in present-day Westling. After disembarking, the region would be occupied by the Sarovians who they dubbed: "Crown Colony of Westling". This information would later reach the ears of the leader of the New Frontier Republic (NFR): Kevlar Vaughn, "the Dragon of the West". Thus, Kevlar would trigger the NFR to neutralize the Sarovians. Initially, the NFR advance was a failure as the Sarovians had resisted the NFR offensive. This caused the NFR leader himself to go to the occupied location. This process took a long time, after all, the leader of the NFR would be in Valeroche (at that time, the center of the continent of Ostos, being the most populous and richest city on the Continent).

During this period, the famous "Dinner of Sorrows" occurred, where Kevlar Vaughn invited Constantine IV to a dinner at the Aurean base that would be occupied by the Sarovians in the Crown Colony of Westling region (that is, Kevlar would wait 1 Stefanic Year for this dinner happened). 1 Stefanic Year passed, and Constantine IV would arrive, and would immediately go to meet Kevlar who would be together with his officers. This dinner was a complete disaster for the New Sarovian Empire, where Kevlar would try to assassinate the Sarovian Monarch, but was prevented by Rear Admiral Crockett, thus starting the first official skirmish between the NFR and ETEC, that is, between the Aurean Empire and the New Sarovian Empire. The skirmish would initially be won by the Sarovians, but, in a twist, the score would change completely. Kevlar would shoot Constantine IV in the liver, forcing an immediate evacuation from the Continent of Ostos to Estos.