Wolfwater Naval Academy

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Wolfwater Naval Academy


Imperial Navy


Carolus XIII



The Wolfwater Naval Academy was constructed by both the New Sarovian Empire's Imperial Navy and the Dominion of Carolusburg in an attempt to train members of the Imperial Sarovian Navy who reside in Ostos about not only the local way of life but the abilities necessary of a naval officer. The University is expected to force all naval-officers-to-be to pass in order to gain a commission and become an official naval officer. It will teach would-be-officers about the utility of understanding their skills and to teach them to better than they have ever imagined they could be.

History[edit | edit source]

Foundation[edit | edit source]

The Wolfwater Naval Academy emerged from a project known as: "The University of Luxford" established at the time by Theodor Kinwood. The Project was approved, but with great persistence, after all, the former Carodian Assembly of Peers did not support the idea of ​​creating a university during the period they were going through (the Second Saro-Aurean War). One of the main members of the Assembly of Peers who opposed this idea was the former Commodore Sir Ajax Artois-Avidius OSE, as well as other peers. However, with the support of His Grace, the former Prime Minister and Duke of Belbata, Sir Henry Vasa OV, the project was approved by both Houses.

But, as time went on, the project would stop progressing due to the end of Sir Henry Vasa's term as Prime Minister. Thus, the University of Luxford Act, 2022, was repealed by the Crown in order to create a Naval Academy.

Naval Academy[edit | edit source]

The project to create a Naval Academy was much considered at the time by all sailors of the Imperial Navy. The idea was to do something similar to the Kiev Staff College in the Imperial Army, however, adapted for the Continent of Ostos. The Creation of the Wolfwater Naval Academy took about 4 months until all materials were complete. Furthermore, with the creation of the Wolfwater Naval Academy, the Imperial Navy received the famous Undress Uniforms both for the Navy in general and for the Imperial Marines Detachment.

Rectors[edit | edit source]

Below you can check the official list of Rectors of the Wolfwater Naval Academy: