Francis I Vasa-Nassau

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Constantine VII & II Francis Vasa-Nassau

Portrait of Constantine VII Francis as King of the Sarovians.


260 AS to 267 (disputed), 268 (de jure)


King of the Sarovians and Emperor of the Sarovian Commonwealth, Grand King of the State and of the New State Union, Knight Commander of the Realm, Patriarch of the Vasas, Makos and the Zors, Grand Prince of Reuss, Duke of Modena and Defender of the Stefanic Faith.




Brianna I Vasa-Nassau in New Sarovia, Edward I Vasa in the State


George I Vasa-Nassau

Francis II of the State or Constantine VII of the New Sarovian Empire (born: Frederick Constans Francis Hanke) was a disputed and controversial sovereign of both Vasa realms during his youth, marking a period of significant instability. Officially recognised by the Sarovian Legislative Chamber in 268 AS as the King of the Sarovians, he is the first and only monarch who was a King of another country before becoming sovereign of New Sarovia. He is known as "Francis the Good" in the State for briefly asserting the State's independence within the Vasa Commonwealth and known as "Francis the Usurper" by Sarovians. He is the second shortest reigning Sarovian monarch since Edward I Vasa. Despite his legal regnal name in the State being Constantine II Francis and his Sarovian regnal name as Constantine VII Francis, he is commmonly known simply as Francis I.


Early Life

Frederick Constans Francis Hanke was born to the Prince of Kiev, Andrey Vasa, and was a chief prospect to one day be the heir to the Sarovian throne. Francis entered the House of Vasa and was tutored in all the subjects of a Vasa prince, such as warfare, the arts, High Sarovian and finances. He excelled in the latter two to the point that it was difficult to speak English or Portuguese with him due to a tough-to-overcome accent. With finances, he was proficient and talented, and unofficially aided the Ministry of Finance in his youth due to this genius. WHis early life was quickly upended, however, when the Prince of Kiev died. Francis was still severely unexperienced in statescraft and, due to this, his grandfather William I Vasa disinherited him and nominated his younger son, Edward, to take the throne. Francis was distraught over this, but was resolved to find other ways he could aid the Empire. This illusion was shattered due to the Auro-Imperian Offensive and the sudden abdication of his grandfather, and the even more sudden abdication of Edward I.

Grand King of the State

Upon the death of William I, his Will broke the Sarovian Constitution by granting Francis the sovereign kingdom of the Grand Kingdom of the State as long as he "held it for he and his heirs in the name of the House of Vasa and the Sarovian Commonwealth". This was allegedly done on the wish of the late Constantine VI & I Vasa who wished for the Kingdom to be sovereign during his lifetime and reign. Francis took this title with a fervour unlike him and immediately set to work. He was guided by three main counsellors of the State: James von Seloke, Sedonna Fairfax and Kellos. von Seloke and Fairfax believed that Francis had the right to the Sarovian Crown due to the Sarovian Constitution explicitly stating that the State and Sarovia cannot have different monarchs. von Seloke allegedly discussed a deal to negotiate Brianna I Vasa-Nassau's abdication which was quickly denied. Francis did not inherently believe one way or the other at first he should be the King of the Sarovians and was content with his position.

He quickly pronounced the New State Union proclamation, which read in part:

The New State Union, since King Constantine’s righteous usurpation of the throne on the 15th of October, 2017, the Kingdom has been ruled by personal union under the New Sarovian Empire. Now, upon the abdication of King William of the Vasa-Oxeria Dynasty, the New State Union emerges as a newly free and independent state, under the mighty Vasa Commonwealth. The Crown Prince of the Union, Crown Prince Hanke Vasa, will now be our mighty and loyal King, to who we stand on guard for. After the peaceful and most glorious previous reigns of King Constantine I and King Martius, we hereby proclaim our independence from personal union, and mold our nation state with elegance, and utilizing all the tools of democracy and our monarchy to forge our path into the future, forever faithful to the Commonwealth. July 15th will hereby be proclaimed Independence Day, and celebrations will be held.

With absurd speed, von Seloke and Fairfax had Francis coronated quicker than the Empress Brianna and, completely unprompted and unrehearsed, von Seloke, Fairfax and Kellos chanted "The King of the State and Emperor of the Empire!", which sparked fears of war between the New Sarovian Empire and the Grand Kingdom of the State. Despite Francis not requesting this, he did not shoot it down either afterwards and dismiss his advisors, further increasing fears. Francis styled himself as "His Majesty, Constantine II Francis Vasa, Grand King of the State and of the New State Union, Knight Commander of the Realm, Patriarch of the Vasas, Makos and the Zors, Grand Prince of Reuss, Duke of Modena and Defender of the Stefanic Faith." Many of these titles would be in direct conflict with titles held by Empress Brianna or her subordinates, such as Defender of the Stefanic Faith, Duke of Modena and Patriarch of the Vasas, Makos and Zors.

Francis set to work developing the State. He developed an anthem, a series of new holidays, a semi-limited constitution (though it was wholly ineffective for the majority of his reign, with Francis ruling by decree), new symbols, flags and coats of arms, and more. He greatly increased the size of the State Army as well, though it never fired its guns in anger. However, this army was assembled on the advice of von Seloke, who proclaimed on behalf of the Grand King that the State may need to aid their Sarovian brothers, with or without their permission, against the Imperian menace. This was effectively seen as a declaration of war and Francis was understandably frustrated. Francis however did not disagree with the assessment. In a show of faith to New Sarovia, von Seloke was sacked, but would return a Stefanic year later.

Empress Brianna and her Prime Minister Lord Lochland would meet in November of 2019 with Francis with an attempt to fix the situation. Weeks of negotiations led to even further disagreements when Francis publicly argued that he should have legally inherited the throne of New Sarovia due to his father's investiture as Prince of Kiev. Prime Minister Alexander would recommend to his Queen and cousin to declare herself as Grand Queen of the State as well. This enraged both sides to the point of blows until a truce could be organised by both parties. Mediated by Jacob II and the Viscount Lochland, both sides were on the verge of an agreement before talks broke apart. Regardless, an unwritten rule was put in place that upon the death of the other, it would be safe to assume the other would seize control.

By this point, Francis had convinced himself the only way to save New Sarovia was to dethrone his aunt and seize it himself. This dillusion was fueled by the newly returned von Seloke and Fairfax, who would often recommend the Grand King wear Sarovian uniforms in public and Sarovian honours, such as the sash of the Order of the New Sarovian Empire. Francis was relatively dismayed when his aunt had two sons, Jacobus and Piers George Constantine William, which would make his contested claim even more difficult.

King of the Sarovians, Abdication and Death

Regardless, when the Lord Lochland was declared Regent and Brianna was declared dead, Francis assembled the State Army and marched to Sarholm, transporting his men to Kiev to be ready to be transported by borrowed ships. Francis asked for his chief advisors to attend, but von Seloke went missing and was declared dead four Stefanic years later, presumably on the orders of Lord Lochland, but it could not be proven. The Lord-Regent met Francis, alongside George, and hashed out a deal. Lord Lochland was able to convince Francis without von Seloke's input that he had control of the New Sarovian Empire and, due to this, the throne was in safe hands. Allegedly, Lochland and Francis became good friends over the course of the negotiations and Lochland confessed that the succession issue was unfair. When Fairfax accused Lochland over the disappearance of von Seloke, Francis stood up and defended him, citing him as an honourable man. Francis however could not march away without some sort of victory, so a deal was made to make everyone a winner, or at least appear to be. With this mind, Francis would be legally proclaimed by the Sarovian Chamber to be the King of the Sarovians if he would immediately abdicate in favour of George, acknowledging his "victory" over Brianna. He did so despite the excessive pleas of Fairfax and Kellos to not do so, and war was avoided. Fairfax and Kellos had been outplayed - the easily manipulated King was manipulated by Lord Lochland.

Francis would return home and, two Stefanic years later, would order the execution of Fairfax and Kellos. He maintained friendly relations with Lochland and, when Lochland was declared dead, only days later did Francis disappear without a will or an heir, returning the throne to George I Vasa-Nassau


Throughout his life, Francis has received many different honours, decorations and titles.

  • Crowns
    • Imperial Crown
    • Crown of the Grand State Kingdom
  • Honours
    • Sovereign of the Order of the New Sarovian Empire
    • Star of Carolus
    • Star of Constantine
    • Imperial Vasa Star
  • Decorations
    • Sarovian Cross
    • Order of the Sarovian Crown
    • Order of the Lion
    • Order of the King
    • Victory Cross
Crowns, honours and decorations of Constantine II & VII Francis