Theodor Kinwood

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Theodor Kinwood, 1st Marquis of Burvanica, OB


283 AS


295 AS to present


1st Marquis of Burvanica, Member of the Order of the Bull, Governor-General of Carolusburg (2023 - present)


Kinwood family

The Governor-General Theodor (full name: Theodor Kinwood Lux Bonhart-Lannister) is the current Governor-General of the Dominion of Carolusburg. Theodor was born in 283 AS to the future 2nd Viscount of Poltava, Tsu Kinwood, and has Doss Kinwood as his younger brother. Furthermore, Theodor Kinwood is the grandson of the late Duke of Burvanica, Richard Lux, who was also the 1st Governor-General of the Dominion of Carolusburg.


Early Life

Theodor Kinwood grew up in the lands of the Continent of Ostos while still serving the Aurean Empire, which at the time was ruled by the Aurean Emperor Kevlar IV. Theodor Kinwood was a member of the Old Guard Corps and extremely loyal to his nation, the Aurean Empire, where he served from the United Communist Aurean States to the Auro-Loganite Empire. Theodor Kinwood during his time in the former Aurean Empire became the heir to the Aurean Prince, Richard Lux Vaughn (later to become the 1st Governor-General of the Dominion of Carolusburg). It is also important to point out that Theodor Kinwood was a member of the former Aurean House of Representatives (currently House of Commons of Carolusburg), where he served as Grand Magistrate, elected by the majority of the Aurean population under the banner of the Aurean Conservative Party led by Fergus and Theodor during the Seventh Aurean Empire.

After some time, the Aurean Empire would unite with the Loganite rebels in the Auro-Loganite Empire, led by Emperor Kevlar V Vaughn. However, shortly thereafter, Theodor would become Earl of the Aurean Empire and a member of the Aurean House of Lords (currently the Carolusburg Assembly of Peers). Furthermore, Theodor fought valiantly alongside his brother Doss Kinwood and his father, Tsu Kinwood, for the flag of the Aurean Empire. But, all that would change when Emperor Kevlar V Vaughn called Theodor and Tsu to the Emerald Palace (located in the City of Escora, Ostos), where Kevlar made it clear that Theodor and Tsu were not to be trusted even though it didn't make sense after all Theodor and Tsu were extremely loyal to the Empire. The Bonhart family (Theodor, Tsu and Doss) left the Aurean Empire during the Second Saro-Aurean War and enlisted in the Imperial Sarovian Navy where they began their career within the New Sarovian Empire and its Colonies and Dominions.

Service in the Navy

Since his entry into the Dominion of Carolusburg and New Sarovia, Theodor Kinwood was a naval officer who held the rank of Chief Petty Officer. Theodor was constantly fighting the rebel faction led by Angel Gatz, a supposed "pretender" to the Aurean throne and excommunicated from the Stefanic Church. But, regardless of the difficulties, Theodor fought bravely against his enemies in favor of the Carodian flag, where, Theodor managed to conquer the record of 273 kills against Angelite rebels, where for a long time, Theodor was considered one of the greatest sailors that the Imperial Sarovian Navy had. When his grandfather, the Governor-General, died, he was chosen by the Colonial and Commonwealth Office of New Sarovia to become the next Governor-General of the Dominion of Carolusburg.

Theodor in his uniform as Governor-General of Carolusburg in Escora Hall.


His Royal Majesty the King of Carolusburg chose Theodor Kinwood to assume this post as he was the person most committed to the development of the Dominion, according to offices of the Colonial and Commonwealth Office. During his initial period as Governor-General, Theodor established the land purchase system in addition to encouraging the growth of sports in the country, such as horse racing, where Theodor founded the Havstad Company (a company responsible for sponsoring runners of the Royal Ascot), in addition to developing Football for the Dominion together with the Ministry of Culture. Furthermore, Theodor became one of the greatest footballers in the Commonwealth playing for the Carodian national team where he won the Commonwealth Cup. He is seen as a youthful and active member of the Dominion.


Second Saro-Aurean War Campaign Medal, Exemplary Service Medal, Order of the Bull.

Coat of Arms

Below you can see the official Coat of Arms of Theodor Kinwood as Governor-General of Carolusburg and Marquis of Burvanica containing the symbols of the Dragon of Lannister as well as the former Coat of Arms of his grandfather, the late Governor-General, Richard Lux.