Dauphin of Carolusburg and Aurea (title)

The Dauphin of Carodia and Aurea (in High Sarovian: Dauphin eui Carodia y Aurea) as well as the title of Royo eui Carodia y Aurea, are some of the oldest on the Continent of Ostos. What is known about this title is very vague and part of its records were lost during the Sarovian invasion of the city of Valeroche during the Second Saro-Aurean War, in circa 295 AS.

Dauphinate of Aurea

Creation Date:

215 AS

Created by:

Kevlar I Vaughn


Carodian Assembly of Peers

First holder:

Kevlar II Vaughn

Present holder:

John Vasa


Aurean Empire

The title of Dauphin of Aurea belonged to the Vaughn Dynasty since the First Aurean Empire led by His Imperial Excellency, Kevlar I Vaughn. The title of Dauphin was bestowed for the first time in the history of the Aurean Empire on Kevlar I's eldest son, Kevlar II. While the appointment of the Aurean Emperor was carried out in the Imperial Capital of Valeroche (currently the City of Escora), the appointment of the Dauphin of Aurea was carried out in the former province of Rivia (currently the City of St. Charles). Before the ceremony, the Aurean Emperor would draw up an Imperial document in the presence of the entire Aurean House of Lords with the aim of naming his heir to the rank of Dauphin of Aurea, receiving the Imperial inheritance. After this appointment, the Dauphin of Aurea marched with the Old Guard Corps (currently the Royal Militia of Carolusburg) to the province of Rivia. After this, the Dauphin donned the attire of the Colonel-in-chief of the OGC and during the ceremony, His Imperial Excellency, the Aurean Emperor, placed a scarlet sash on the Dauphin's uniform, representing the heir's entry into the Imperial Court as Crown Prince of the Aurean Empire. Furthermore, the title of Dauphin of Aurea was already used during the Auro-Loganite Empire, formed by the Grand Duchy of the Loganites, and the Principality of Aurea. Thus, the term "Dauphinate of Aurea" arose.

Dominion of Carolusburg

With the annexation of Aurea to the Dominion of Carolusburg, thus becoming the legitimate successor of the Aurean Empire, the Dominion has owned 2 Dauphins to the present day, the first being Michael Vasa-Vaughn, who ended up abdicating in a short time as a Dauphin. Therefore, the Prince of Kiev, John Vasa, assumed the titles of Dauphin eui Carodia y Aurea becoming the de facto Crown Prince of the Dominion of Carolusburg and Aurea. Although John did not have a traditional naming ceremony, he is seen by the Carodian population as: "The Good Dauphin" or "John the Good Dauphin" due to his good image towards the Dominion.

Dauphins of Carolusburg and Aurea

Dauphin Period Monarch
link=https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficheiro:Arms_of_the_Dauphin_of_France.svg|56x56pxKevlar II

(215 - 227 AS)

N/A 215 AS 224 AS Kevlar I
link=https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficheiro:Arms_of_the_Dauphin_of_France.svg|56x56pxKevlar III

(220 - 228 AS)

N/A 225 AS 227 AS Kevlar II
link=https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficheiro:Arms_of_the_dauphin_Charles.svg|58x58pxNylius I

(227 - 232 AS)

N/A 227 AS 231 AS Kevlar III
link=https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficheiro:Arms_of_the_dauphin_Charles.svg|58x58pxNylius Louis

(228 - 230 AS)

N/A 228 AS 230 AS Nylius I
link=https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficheiro:Arms_of_the_dauphin_Charles.svg|58x58pxKevlar IV

(228 - 261 AS)

N/A 228 AS 233 AS Nylius I
link=https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficheiro:Arms_of_the_Dauphin_of_France.svg|56x56pxCassio I

(270 - 304 AS)

  270 AS 279 AS Kevlar IV
link=https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficheiro:Arms_of_the_Dauphin_of_France.svg|56x56pxArnold Avidius

(279 - 295 AS)

N/A 279 AS 295 AS Cassio I
link=https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficheiro:Arms_of_the_Dauphin_of_France.svg|56x56pxRemus Artois

(289 - 295 AS)

N/A 289 AS 295 AS Kevlar V
 Michael Vasa

(295 AS - abdicated)

N/A 295 AS 296 AS Constantine I
 John Vasa(269 AS - present)   296 AS present Constantine I