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Lieutenant Colonel Sevirax tried to stop the troops from fleeing and leaving Sarovia for good, as Colonel Low tried desperately to recruit them back. It was to no avail though, the Sarovians fled in great numbers. The day was completely lost due to Aurea’s exploits - the first time the glitch was ever used in the Graal Military Community. The first Battle of Poltava was the first - and only - decisive defeat in Sarovian history, due to uncontrollable external factors that would foreshadow the carnage and destruction of the Great War, half a year later.
In April of that year, a veteran of the Battle of Poltava, Carolus, became King of Sarovia. He quickly built an army nicknamed the Saroleans, who wore blue and yellow uniforms. After repeated wars with small guilds to strengthen his troops, the opportunity to redeem Sarovia's name and honour came in the shape of a seemingly small conflict between Valeria and Arcadia in Snowtown. After twenty four hours straight of fighting, Sarovia decided to help Valeria defeat Arcadia. The State, a new incarnation, came to the aid of Arcadia, and war waged for another whole day. Forty eight hours after the first sword was swung, the newly found Alliance (State and Arcadia) was defeated by the Entente (Valeria and Sarovia.) This would be the Great War.
In April of that year, a veteran of the Battle of Poltava, Carolus, became King of Sarovia.
Alliance hackers masskicked and nuked the 1st Division which was later crowned and allowed to be given the prefix "Royal" for its bravery in Snow and in the face of nukes. Luckily for Sarovia, Sarovia had discovered the nuking glitch and in retaliation, nuked both Arcadia and the State, 1 guild each, in an attempt to ward off more nukes. Nuclear war was a part of modern war now. After repeated grinds and slugging matches in York and Snow, numerous back and forth nukes, and numerous political maneuvers, the State collapsed and Arcadia surrendered and Peter fled once more. The Great War was over, but the Great Northern War was just about to begin - Valeria, Sarovia's ally, along with small guilds and dependencies, immediately backstabbed Sarovia, in fear of Sarovia becoming too strong. At this moment in time, Field Marshal William was forming the Brazilian Corps. Battle after battle, Sarovia defeated the enemy, pushing them from Snow to York, York to Deadwood, and Deadwood to MoD.
Nukes were a common occurrence in this war, and eventually, King Carolus convinced a Valerian commander to defect and disband his guild. Valeria believed the Sarovians made a new glitch that instead of masskicking, could disband guilds and in retaliation, massreported Carolus. Carolus was banned and all guilds he was in - deleted. English Sarovia was gone. Using this opportunity, Valeria attacked Delta and was held off only by the remaining English desperately trying to rebuild their guilds, and the loyal and fierce Brazilian Corps. Upon hearing of his brother's 8,000 hour ban (and subsequent ban of being able to join any guilds), Prince Frederick, a veteran of the Battle of Poltava took over as King and defeated Valeria (which then disbanded) and proclaimed himself Emperor Constantine VI.
Byzantium formed a coalition of small guilds to force Sarovia to surrender. After brutal fighting in all hours of the night, and a long and brutal hit and run campaign, the Byzantines collapsed. In the winter of 2017 the biggest guild ever rose, with its fires of anti-monarchist revolution - the Free States (TFS). Led by Auel, fierce and eager for revenge for the Great War, TFS raised a grand conscript army of over 300+ English men. The much smaller 200+ Imperial Army of both English and Lusophone speakers held firm for four days straight in a constant wave after wave attack of Delta, MoD and Onnet. All of Sarovia's smaller guild allies abandoned Sarovia and flocked to The Free States. Sarovia stood alone. Outnumbered 2-1, Sarovia still held, and within the month, infighting collapsed the Free States, as they promised their troops they could defeat Sarovia and failed to do so.
=== 2018 ===
2018 ushered in a new age of progress and hegemony. From winter to the summer, there would be no coordinated offensive against Sarovia. The Imperial Army was allowed to rest on its laurels. It was understood it was undefeatable and its invincibility in war ran before it as it marched. On July 12th, the ascension of Emperor William, a political personal union was led by William and Emily of Oxeria, uniting the two countries as one. Their marriage united their countries, with Oxeria under Sarovia.
The Imperial Army went through significant reforms through the personal union. This was met with resistance and a pretender to the Oxerian throne, Twister, rose in revolt but within the month was crushed by the Imperial Army. This ended all hopes of disuniting the two countries. Upon the arrival of a new contender to the GMC hegemon's title, Imperia, Constantine VI was called back to manage and administrate the army. Upon some quick reforms, the Imperian juggernaut army was decisively defeated at a key political moment of Imperian infighting. Imperian diplomat Zearos begged for peace, but the peace terms Constantine offered were too harsh, and were rejected by Imperia. A cold war then began, with Imperia locked in York, unable to break out.
=== 2019 ===
Numerous battles raged between the two, with Imperia repeatedly locked and unable to leave their only province of York. This would continue until July 2019, again on July 12th, Constantine VI retired for good never to be seen again, though successors bore his name, and William retired to the title of Constantine, and gave the title of Emperor to Field Marshal Brynjolf who became Edward I. This was seen as a key moment for the Imperian army to strike, and so it was. With their newly formed Aurean allies, Edward was pushed back and forced to surrender and abdicate, and give all of Sarovia’s land away.
The crown went to Francis and Brianna as co-rulers, but soon conflict broke out between them and Brianna became the Queen and Empress. The Empress married Emperor Jacob I of Sacro, forging a new personal union. In exchange for the marriage and solidification of a new Saro-Sacro empire (nicknamed Sacrovia), the Lusophone speakers of Sarovia were ceded to Sacro’s administration. Upon her solidification of the Imperial Army, she slowly regained the concessions that her predecessor gave to the foe.
Arcadia was reformed and swore allegiance to the Imperian Empire, and the future of the GMC was under threat. Oxeria, Sarovia's ally, abandoned her and Sarovia was left alone. Aurea and Imperia broke off their alliance, and fought - with Imperia winning. It seemed nobody could stop Imperia, but the Empress Brianna was determined to do so.
A political stalemate lasted from the summer to the winter of 2019.
The Imperians launched an organization called the Graal City Police Department (GCPD). This was a seemingly neutral organization tasked with rooting out bad members of the community, but in reality was used to target political rivals, faking evidence and trying to get members cancelled. This began a war of espionage but no conflict, with assassinations, guild masskickings, and more.
=== 2020 ===
In the spring of 2020, a friend of Constantine had returned to the throne. Naming himself Constantine VII in his friend’s honour, he had raised the most ambitious plan yet - the incredible Nafets Confederation of states under the banner of the Empire, with goals of creating the biggest army in Graal. This he succeeded in doing, though the full plan was not realized. This is named the Grand Army.
=== 2021 ===
The Imperian Empire had become incredibly weak - inactive and quoted as the “sick man of Graal.” However, its diplomatic skills were immense - they formed a coalition of much more powerful guilds to protect it from Sarovia, painting Sarovia as evil. Together with diplomatic maneuvering from friends, Constantine and his 600+ strong army managed to wage a decisive victory over the Imperians, seizing York and Delta, their capital. This defeat, along with former Emperor William’s diplomacy, managed to convince the coalition to split apart and turn on Imperia.
The Coalition had asked Constantine to lead them to victory, but leaked conversations proved that as soon as Imperia was destroyed they’d turn on Sarovia. In exchange for the Coalition’s help to defeat Imperia and to leave Sarovia alone, Constantine retired and left the throne to Edward II. Later in the summer, the New Sarovian Empire decentralized - forming the English nation of Reuss and the Portuguese nation of Nassau. The King-Emperor of New Sarovia was vacant, but still existed. Wars were waged against Maveria and others, to stalemate.
Upon the abdication of the King of Reuss, Edward II, the nobles elected another noble - Constantine VII’s best friend (at the time the Viscount Lochland), as Emperor of New Sarovia. This new Emperor, Constantine IX, saw the rebuilding of the Imperial Army and reconquered Sarovian land in the Grand Restoration, against the Fourth Coalition of Arcadia, Niflheim and more.
== Structure ==
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