Narcisse Leonhart

From NSE Wiki

Narcisse Leonhart, daughter of Antone Leonhart, joined in the year 286 AS after a sorrowful event. Originally, Narcisse Vérmilion lived in a village on the outskirts of the Sarovian domains. Unfortunately, due to the Jacobite Rebel Wars, the village in which she resided was destroyed, and she was taken in by the Sarovian Empire. Upon reaching her Majority, she enlisted as a Recruit in the Lancers Regiment, completing basic training during the winter. Through an acquaintance, the former ensign and current cavalry commander Matheus, she learned of the Sarovian Imperial Guard Corps, joining in the winter of 2022. Over time, Narcisse distinguished herself and quickly rose in her career, becoming a Sergeant and, finally, assuming the now-defunct Lancers Guard Battalion as an Acting Ensign. After personal crises, Narcisse withdrew from Sarovia for a short period, later returning to the Lancers Battalion Guard. Due to the reforms of the time, the Regiment and its battalion were dissolved, forcing not only Narcisse but several members to be reassigned to other Regiments. Narcisse was dispatched to Kiev, taking command of the now-defunct Kiev Cavalry Battalion. Currently, Narcisse Leonhart is a colonel of the Eui Mulgardos Regiment.

Narcisse has assumed various responsibilities and diverse functions in Sarovia, such as:

  • Guard
  • Sergeant
  • Acting Ensign
  • CWo of the Blue Guard
  • The second woman in seven years to be a Major of the Guard/Aide-de-Camp, before the current reforms.
  • Leader of the Blue Guard (before the current reforms)
  • The last Personal Guard of His Majesty, in the now-defunct role of Equerry
  • Member of Parliament four times
  • Current Colonel of the Eui Mulgardos Regiment.

Narcisse Leonhart has also achieved honors and various medals, the most notable of which are:

  • Honor of Merit (of great value, received from the hands of the late Emperor Constantine IX Vasa, after 45 hours guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier)
  • Exemplary Service
  • Fidelity to the Blue Guard

As well as other combat medals, etc.

Moreover, she nearly trod the path to becoming a Knight. Narcisse keeps with her another gift received in the year 2023: a gold-hilted sword for being one of the three most distinguished junior officers of that year.

She fought in various battles, was captured and rescued, and even under torture, she never disclosed any information about the Empire, demonstrating her total loyalty.**