The Ninety Years War (2016-2023): Difference between revisions

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== Resumption of War under [[Constantine IX Vasa|Constantine IX]] ==
[[File:Skirmish.png|left|thumb|''Sarovian victory in the aurean province of [[Minolia Province|Bastille]]'']]
=== Background to the War ===
[[File:6AE invasion.png|thumb|390x390px|''Aurean occupation at the [[Dominion of Carolusburg|Crown Colony of Carolusburg]], in the presence of the Aurean Emperor himself. Also noted in this image is [[Tsu Kinwood|Tsu Bonhart]], who would later become [[Governor-General of Carolusburg|Governor-General of the Dominion of Carolusburg]].'']]
On March 7, 2021 at 5PM EST, the Aurean Empire led by [[King of Carolusburg and Aurea (title)|Aurean Emperor]] Kevlar IV Vaughn, held a conference at the [[Carodian Assembly of Peers|Aurean House of Lords]] which was dubbed: "'''The Rhine Conference'''", where the rezoning of Ostos was discussed, expanding the claimable territories from just 21 to a number almost triple that size; as well as the formation of a large regulatory body for the '''Western GMC''' in the form of a [[Stefanic Church|Church]]. Initially, the idea seemed good, and therefore the wars in Ostos would be suspended until an official Western GMC was reorganized by the nations.
[[File:Rhine Conference.png|left|thumb|''The Rhine Conference, held at the Aurean House of Lords mediated by the Aurean Empire'']]
However, the following day (03/08/2021) at 5PM EST, the [[Royal Carodian Militia|Aurean Old Guard Corps]] would march to the [[Dominion of Carolusburg|Crown Colony of Carolusburg]], established in southern Ostos by the New Sarovian Empire, and issue a declaration of war which would become ignored by Sarovian troops due to the fact that the presence of the '''Rhine Conference''' prohibited wars until the organization of a Western GMC. However, the Aurean Empire, which coincidentally would become the mediator, broke this treaty by invading a Sarovian colony, thus declaring a formal war for the first time in 4 years on the New Sarovian Empire.
[[File:Sarovian Gazette War Declaration.png|thumb|272x272px|''The platform at the time of official disclosures of the New Sarovian Empire, where the declaration of war was entrusted.'']]
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=== Aurean claim to the Sarovian throne ===
On September 20, 2020, an alleged document would be released in which "Constantine VIII" (a pretender to the Sarovian throne without any legitimacy), would hand over his supposed claims to the leadership of the Aurean Empire through the [ Act of Abdication and Relinquishment, 2020]. Although it was an illegitimate document, it would give the Aurean leadership a taste for the first time in history of the strength of the New Sarovian Empire. According to a famous quote by Kevlar Vaughn:<center>''"For the first time in all of history, I could feel the glory of the Sarovian throne. Its influence under noble warriors, kind and loyal. Unlike the filth of feudalism, I noticed the beautiful and perfect Sarovian democracy"''</center>This would mean that by the end of the Auro-Amestrian wars, the Aurean Empire would claim the Sarovian throne, with Laken as the supposed "[[King of the Sarovians (title)|King of the Sarovians]]". Furthermore, during the reign of Cassio I Avidius-Vaughn, he would deliver false claims to the Jacobite rebels ([ Treaty of New Fiore]) with the aim of harming Sarovian activity, which was a failure as, weeks later, the Jacobites would be completely annihilated.
=== Sarovian claim to the Aurean throne ===
The first time that the New Sarovian Empire claimed the Aurean throne was during the late reign of Kevlar IV Vaughn, where, in response to the illegitimate Aurean claim to the Sarovian throne, a member of the Vasa family, and descendant of the Vaughns, Michael Vasa -Vaughn, would claim the Aurean throne. This claim would become strong, as Michael was one of the descendants of Nylius Vaughn (Kevlar IV Vaughn's predecessor monarch). This claim would last until the beginning of the reign of Cassio I Avidius-Vaughn, where Sarovia would abandon her claim in order to seek an "unofficial peace" with Aurea.
== The Unexpected Truce ==
[[File:CassioI.png|thumb|312x312px|''Portrait of Aurean Emperor Cassio I Avidius-Vaughn.'']]
=== Cassio I assumes the throne of Aurea ===
In 2021, Kevlar IV Vaughn had secretly resigned at the Emerald Palace in the Aurean Imperial Capital of Valeroche in Ostos. This event would completely change Aurea's story. With this resignation, his grandson, Cassius I Avidius-Vaughn, would assume the post of Aurean Emperor, thus starting the Seventh Aurean Empire.
Cassio I took over Aurea in a terrible period. Sarovians were continuing to expand Ostos and "Aurean sovereignty" in Ostos would be waning. This made Cassio take a terrible step: returning to skirmishes against the Sarovians in search of regaining Aurean glory. This process, at first, was a success for the Aurean people, but resulted in several failures in some operations. Furthermore, Cassio I needed to deal with the Sarovian claims to the Golden Throne, which was a great difficulty at the beginning of his reign.
Although Cassio I had significant victories in Ostos against the Sarovians, his reign would be marked by the "Colonial Exploitation of Estos". In other words, Aurea aimed to establish a colony in Estos for the first time in many years with the aim of acquiring influence on the international scene. However, Aurea refused to participate in the true community, thus joining a barbaric organization known as: the Bastion (whose it is worth mentioning that the Secretary General of this organization himself was a member of the Aurean House of Lords, and its administrators as well).
