The Ninety Years War (2016-2023): Difference between revisions

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=== [[File:Commonwealth.png|39x39px]] [[Sarovian Commonwealth|The Vasa Commonwealth]] ===
TheThough initial conflict began before the formation of the '''[[Sarovian Commonwealth|Vasa Commonwealth]]''', iInitially, it had not entered the conflict as it had not been officially founded. Howeversuch, theearly firstconflict traceswas ofwaged it werethrough several alliances that the '''New Sarovian Empire''' formed, which eventually came to form the Commonwealth. These alliances were both with nations from Ostos and Estos, as well as largeparamilitant Ostos companies that constantly supplied armaments to the New Sarovian Empire, onewith ofarmaments. theThe mainprimary companiessuch company was the Atwell Corps (which since its foundation repudiated the existence of the Aurean Empire and its absolute control over the Continent).
However, most of the battles were one-on-one duels,unilateral. thatThat is, justsolely Sarovia and Aurea carrying out skirmishes throughout the continent. In other words, theThe Vasa Commonwealth would only become present during the [[Second Saro-Aurean War (2022)]], where, Blades of Nekron and the Grand Kingdom of the State would participate against the rebel Loganites and the Aureans.
=== [[File:Aurea_flag_idea.png|frameless|45x45px]] The Aurean Empire ===
The '''Aurean Empire''' was the main ruler of the Continent of Ostos from 2016 until 2022, having as an absurd advantage the large amounts of land, and, mainly, betterhigh quality weapons, as well as mass production of ammunition and military equipment. Due to abundant coal on Ostos, suchfor as:example, warshipsAurea andwas ammunitionamong the first nations to employ the use of steam-powered warships. The Aurean Empire was also extremely strong due to its elite: themilitary units. The [[Royal Carodian Militia|Old Guard Corps]], a branch within the Imperial Aurean Army, and led by the Aurean Prince Laken Vaughn-Henri, which selected the best members of the Aurean Army for the [[Royal Carodian Militia|Old Guard Corps]],. whereUniquely theyinnovative providedfor equipmentthe time, and,soldiers moneywere forprovided itsequipment memberswages by their government.
Although the Aurean Empire had better equipment and absurdmore amountsraw of oresmaterial, they lacked one thing essential for the functioningAurean of a nation at this point: organizationabsolutist and democracy. The Aurean Empire was a disguised feudal absolutegovernmental monarchyframework withmade governingit bodiessuch that pretendedpolitical tostability bewas democratic,never antruly exampleachieved, of which isand the [[Carodian HouseAssembly of CommonsPeers|Aurean House of RepresentativesLords (HoRHoL)]], which was completelyoften manipulatedembroiled byin factionalist conflict. With the quasi-democratic [[Carodian AssemblyHouse of PeersCommons|Aurean House of LordsRepresentatives (HoLHoR)]], thusserving preventingto themerely will ofplacate the people, werethis made,led and,to solely,a thedisconnect wishes ofbetween the Aurean Lordsaristocratic and membersworking ofclasses Housethroughout Vaughnthe empire.
==== ''Loganite Rebels'' ====
The '''Loganite Rebels''' were a separatist group led by '''Logan''' (a pretender to the Grand Kingdom of The State), who were financed by the Aurean Empire in the creation of the Auro-Loganite Empire (which was a failure due to mismanagement by the rebel leaders, and, Aureans).
The '''Loganite Rebels''' were a separatist group led by '''Logan''' (a pretender to the Grand Kingdom of The State), who were financed by the Aurean Empire in the creation of the Auro-Loganite Empire (which was a failure due to mismanagement by the rebel leaders, and, Aureans).
==== ''Angelite Rebels'' ====
The '''Angelite Rebels''' were a separatist group led by '''Angel Gatz''' (a pretender to the Aurean Empire), who constantly warred against the Sarovian Commonwealth after the end of the [[Second Saro-Aurean War (2022)]] for the throne of the Aurean Empire. However, it came to a tragic end after the failure of the attempt to keep the rebellion active.
== Overview ==
The causes of the conflict can be traced to the initial period of explorationSarovian ofexpeditions into Ostos in 2016, aswhere wellexpeditionary aswere thesubject initialto Sarovianaggressive claimsguerrilla toattacks theby Aurean thronenatives. The outbreakInitial ofSarovian warclaims wasto motivatedthe byAurean athrone gradualgenerated increasefurther intensions.These tensiontensions betweeneventually boiled to the monarchspoint of Aureawar and Sarovia; the official pretext was the issue that arose over the creation of a Sarovian Colony in Westling, which for the Aureans was an important region forAurean trade region, known as Verdun, and, owned byas thea Henri (an Aurean noble family ledfief by the Aurean Princenoble LakenHouse Vaughn-Henri).
Furthermore, we can also note that Sarovia initially intended to evangelize the continent by preaching Stefanism, which was initially not accepted by the Aurean people, who at the time did not have an official religion, but there are theories that within the Imperial House of Vaughn had cults of the demon Stephane Portha, which would anger the Sarovian cleric, convincing Constantine IV that the Aureans were a threat to be neutralized.
== The Beginning of the War: 2016 ==
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=== Cassio I assumes the throne of Aurea ===
In 2021, Nylius II Vaughn had put his father, Kevlar IV Vaughn, hadback secretlyon resignedthe atthrone on the Emeraldcondition Palacethat inhis theson, AureanCassio would ascend when Imperialhe Capitalcame of Valerocheage. Kevlar IV had fallen terribly ill in OstosNovember, and had prematurely given Cassio the throne as a result. This event would completely change the course of Aurea's storyhistory. With this resignation, his grandson, Cassio I Avidius-Vaughn, would assume the post of Aurean Emperor, thus startingproclaiming the Seventh Aurean Empire.
Cassio I took over Aurea in a terribledeclining period. SaroviansKevlar's sickness had wereallowed continuingSarovia to expandcontinue expanding into Ostos and "Aurean sovereignty" in Ostos wouldwas be waning. This made Cassio takethus areturned terribleAurea step:to returninginitiate toNFR-era skirmishes against the Sarovians in search of regaining Aurean glory. This process, at first, was a success for the Aurean people, but resulted in several failures in some operations. Furthermore, Cassio I needed to deal with the Sarovian claims to the Golden Throne, which was a great difficulty at the beginning of his reign.
Although Cassio I had significant victories in Ostos against the Sarovians, his reign would be marked by the "Colonial Exploitation of Estos". In other words, Aurea aimed to establish a colony in Estos for the first time in many years with the aim of acquiring influence on the international scene. However, Aurea refused to participate in the true community, thus joining a barbaric organization known as: the Bastion (whose it is worth mentioning that the Secretary General of this organization himself was a member of the Aurean House of Lords, and its administrators as well).
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