Lord of Windsor (title)

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Revision as of 15:26, 21 May 2023 by TheodorKinwood (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumb|Coronation of Constantine as Lord of Windsor. The title of Lord of Windsor and Wessex (in High Sarovian: ''Lorde eui Windsor y Wessex'') is a title of one of the most popular Brazilian families. The Title was initially created in the Kingdom of Wessex during the reign of Daniel I Windsor-Alexander, and is currently owned by the House of Vasa. == History == === Alexander Dynasty === The Lord of Windsor was created by Daniel...")
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Coronation of Constantine as Lord of Windsor.

The title of Lord of Windsor and Wessex (in High Sarovian: Lorde eui Windsor y Wessex) is a title of one of the most popular Brazilian families. The Title was initially created in the Kingdom of Wessex during the reign of Daniel I Windsor-Alexander, and is currently owned by the House of Vasa.


Alexander Dynasty

The Lord of Windsor was created by Daniel I Windsor-Alexander within the Kingdom of Wessex during a conference of its Lords. With the creation of this title, a royal family, the House of Windsor-Alexander, was officially implemented in the Kingdom of Wessex in mid-2019. During the reign of Daniel I Windsor-Alexander, the Kingdom of Wessex became a Colony of the Holy Imperian Empire, and this was not well accepted by its population that after the independence of Niflheim, revolted against its monarch Daniel I and deposed him. Wessex was in complete chaos. Until the Windsors Lords gathered to decide who would be the new King. Thus, a bastard heir to Daniel I Windsor-Alexander was discovered who would become Daniel II of Wessex. Thus starting the Second Kingdom of Wessex.

The Coat of Arms of the Windsor-Dufort Dynasty during reign of Doss I Windsor-Dufort. Note also the Collar of the Order of the Kaiserreich of Phoenix, which classified the kingdoms of the Lannister Dynasty.

Daniel II Windsor-Alexander was the last member of the Alexander branch to assume the throne of Wessex and the title of Lord of Windsor. During his reign, Wessex was completely reformed and hosted the Royal Parliament of Windsor, which would serve to make the family and kingdom more democratic (although the elections were completely fake). During his reign, Daniel II appointed Theodor Kinwood as Prime Minister of the House of Windsor, who would later become Prince of Wessex and member of the Royal Court.

The Coat of Arms of New Windsor which represents the sovereignty of the House of Vasa under Windsor

But, the people of Windsor and Wessex were dissatisfied with Daniel's reign due to his lies and manipulations in the Commonwealth. And this all created a big problem when Daniel II was excommunicated from the Church by His Holiness, Pope Clemens I, in an attempt to destroy the Community server. That was the last straw for the Windsors. But, all was not lost. The members of the Windsor House of Lords fled from the territories controlled by Daniel to take refuge in Tristopoli (York Town), where Pope Clemens I publishes the papal bull known as: De Sollicitus Rebus, in which Pope Clemens recognized the authority of Doss Kinwood (a member of the Windsor House of Lords) as the rightful Lord of Windsor as well, making the House of Windsor an estate of the Houses of Dufort, Lannister and Vasa.

Dufort Dynasty

When Doss took over as Lord of Windsor he established a Constitution, enforcing the claims of the House of Windsor on realms such as: New Spartan Kingdom. Furthermore, Windsor began to have a voice in the Stefanic Church and was preparing to enter the Commonwealth (although the House of Vasa controlled Windsor along with Lannister and Dufort, Windsor was not officially in the Commonwealth). Doss I Windsor-Dufort established the Windsor Shock Force, composed of the Royal Guard responsible for defending the family and the monarch. As well as the creation of a democratic Parliament and the appointment of: Marty Vasa, John Vasa as members of the House of Lords.

However, Doss' reign would not last long as he was busy with other activities in the New Sarovian Empire. Thus, Doss surrendered his titles to John Vasa who became the first Vasa to assume the rank of Lord of Windsor.

Vasa Dynasty

Once John assumed leadership of the House of Windsor, he did not lead it for long, reigning only for 1 day, where he would write a letter delivering the title of Lord of Windsor along with all its associated titles and claims to His Imperial Majesty, Constantine IX, who would become the rightful Lord of Windsor to this day.

With that, the Alexandrite rebels of the old Alexander Dynasty appeared who would try to seize the throne in several ways, but who never spoke out against the Sarovian claim. Thus, Constantine IX, now Constantine I of Windsor, would officially become the sole bearer of the title of Lord of Windsor, retaining that title as a way of showing New Sarovia's power over its enemies.

Monarchs of Wessex and Windsor

Alexander Dynasty

  • His Majesty, Daniel I Windsor-Alexander
  • His Majesty, Daniel II Windsor-Alexander

Dufort Dynasty

  • His Majesty, Doss I Windsor-Dufort

Vasa Dynasty