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== History ==
=== 2016 ===
The Imperial Army began after the success of the May 21st Revolution. Within a day, multiple guilds were made and being filled. Two Infantry Divisions were led by Colonel Jin and Colonel Mathiveas and Colonel Goose formed his Artillery Division.
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An Expeditionary Corps ''(Sarovian Expeditionary Corps)'' travelled to the West, which was a decent success. There began the first permanent Sarovian navy, and most members of the Expeditionary Corps transferred to it. The Expeditionary Force retreated when the Emperor focused all forces on an upcoming campaign against the United Forces, led by Auelist loyalists who were disgruntled Sarovian prosecution of Statees. The United Forces seized Big City and sent probing attacks to all Sarovian territories, which were promptly defeated by the garrisons there. Soon after, an official war declaration was sent.
The United Forces were knocked out of the war insanely early with a decisive victory in MoD. In honour of this victory, the Royal Guards were elevated to the Imperial Guard, and the Chancellor raised ten thousand gralats to be funded to build on map bases - Mirage and Draydon. The Imperial Army was only defeated by itself in the Sarovian Civil War. The first and only battle of the Civil War began on September 1st, 2016 at Delta. The battle is one of the quickest in Sarovian history - lasting just over half an hour. Both sides engaged below the spar arena, with the Yorkist green being used to signify allegiance to Emperor John, and the old brown being used to identify the forces of Emperor Oliver. The battlefield was warped once, and when the troops returned to continue the fight - Emperor John and members of both sides were banned for boosting - a mere 48 hours, but enough to kill any claim to the Sarovian throne. Oliver’s excitement was short lived however - his top staff was included in the ban wave, and his grip on power began to crumble as activity fell. Former Emperor Constantine IV fled into exile into Northern Wilderness with the Imperial Guard.
Constantine V rebuilt the Imperial Guard - who donned unique scarlet coats - in November of 2016. The Guard quickly built up three Regiments - the 13th, 14th and 15th Regiments. New Sarovia laid claim to everything north of the River Nafets, before planning to launch further south and retake the map. Two small rebel guilds, each not even one full tag, were put to the sword in battles at Delta and Snowtown, which let the Empire claim those. Eventually, the Saro-Aurean War began. When the Imperial Army came to MoD Town with the intention of a fight, the Aureans fled to Destiny. This behaviour was suspicious from the Aureans, who were so keen on fighting the Sarovians. The Sarovians chased them the next day, though the Aureans again refused to fight at Destiny, though scouts did smirkish at Swamp.
=== 2017 ===
The Aureans set up shop at York - known to the Sarovians as Poltava - and began setting up defenses and scouts. The Sarovians, eager for a fight, decided to attack York the next day. The Aureans had developed a secret glitch allowing you to be able to gain kick powers inside of other guilds. When the Sarovians attacked York through the snow in early January 2017, the Aureans unleashed the glitch - nicknamed the nuke - and the Sarovians fell into disarray. All Regiments were masskicked, leaving everyone uncertain what happened and what to do.
Lieutenant Colonel Sevirax tried to stop the troops from fleeing and leaving Sarovia for good, as Colonel Low tried desperately to recruit them back. It was to no avail though, the Sarovians fled in great numbers. The day was completely lost due to Aurea’s exploits - the first time the glitch was ever used in the Graal Military Community. The first Battle of Poltava was the first - and only - decisive defeat in Sarovian history, due to uncontrollable external factors that would foreshadow the carnage and destruction of the Great War, half a year later.
In April of that year, a veteran of the Battle of Poltava, Carolus, became King of Sarovia.
=== 2018 ===
=== 2019 ===