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== History ==
=== 2016 ===
The Imperial Army began after the success of the May 21st Revolution. Within a day, multiple guilds were made and being filled. Two Infantry Divisions were led by Colonel Jin and Colonel Mathiveas and Colonel Goose formed his Artillery Division.
A week later, the Imperial Army began the initial stages of the Autumnwood Campaign - the task to cleanse everything south of the River Nafets from Malum. Malum’s homeland was in Destiny and Swamp, so the war council decided to attack to destroy the enemy’s morale. The Imperial Army swept south and engaged at the gates of Destiny - which fought for just under six hours. The two sides were unrelenting and uncompromising, with the fiercest fighting getting the area warped. Under the recommendation of Chancellor Xiao, the Treaty of Tels was proposed to King Blackfyre - no battle would last longer than three hours. Should a battle last longer, both sides were mandated to engage in a guild spar. It was accepted by Blackfyre. The treaty was risky - Malum had the noble family of Valeria - one known for their good fighters.
The Imperial Army deployed their special forces - nicknamed the ''Golf Team'', made up of multiple professional sparrers from GST teams. They swept through battles after every three hour time period was up. After the Malums were defeated at Autumnwood, they fled to Swamp, which would give way to the decisive battle of the entire Saro-Malum War. Battles won at Swamp, Onnet and Snow accelerated the Autumnwood Campaign.
In June, the Battle of Les Deux Fronts began was won, taking the territory of MoD and Castle, and in the final battle Emperor Constantine III led his Golf Team to victory in person, effectively ending any resistance. The decisive battle of Les Deux Fronts crippled Malum, leaving Blackfyre exiling himself. On the 5th of June, the regent of Malum, Azrael, surrendered to Constantine, and was assimilated into Sarovia, forming a Division full of Malum refugees.
An Expeditionary Corps ''(Sarovian Expeditionary Corps)'' travelled to the West, which was a decent success. There began the first permanent Sarovian navy, and most members of the Expeditionary Corps transferred to it. The Expeditionary Force retreated when the Emperor focused all forces on an upcoming campaign against the United Forces, led by Auelist loyalists who were disgruntled Sarovian prosecution of Statees. The United Forces seized Big City and sent probing attacks to all Sarovian territories, which were promptly defeated by the garrisons there. Soon after, an official war declaration was sent.
The United Forces were knocked out of the war insanely early with a decisive victory in MoD. In honour of this victory, the Royal Guards were elevated to the Imperial Guard, and the Chancellor raised ten thousand gralats to be funded to build on map bases - Mirage and Draydon. The Imperial Army was only defeated by itself in the Sarovian Civil War.
=== 2017 ===
=== 2018 ===