Flag of New Sarovia

The National Flag of New Sarovia (High Sarovian: Dranneu eui Reche Sarovia), or simply the Sarovian flag or the Tricolour, is an orange, white and blue tricolour flag with a ratio of 3:2. It is the official flag of New Sarovia and the first official flag, as all previous ones were de-facto flags and were not enshrined in law. The flag has become the predominant symbol of New Sarovia and shares the national colours.

Under the Georgian Constitution, the New Sarovian Empire's flag was officialised as the following description:

The official national flag of the Sarovian state is known as the Tricolour, which boasts three horizontal fesses of equal size in the colours from top to bottom of Vasa Orange, Holy White, and Stefanic Blue.

The official colours are #da7b00 (orange), #ffffff (white) and #183e7c (blue).

History Edit

Imperial York Edit

Reuss Edit

New Sarovia Edit

Saro-Oxeria Edit

New Sarovian Empire Edit

Historical Flags Edit

Flag Date Use Description
  ??? – 172 AS The Orâgefläm
(The Orange Flame)
A vertical bicolour triband of red, white, red with a red maple leaf emblem charged in the Canadian pale
  178 AS – 221 AS Flag of Imperial York
(The Soldier's Flag)
A variant of the Orâgefläm with a light and dark blue cross, with two swords on top. Representing the Zor dynasty and their fight against Stephane.
  221 AS – 184 AS The Reuss Banner
(Banner of Aros)
A horizontal triband of colours from top to bottom of Vasa Orange, Holy White, and Stefanic Blue, with the symbol of Aros I Mako, an eagle, on it.
  221 AS – 184 AS The Orâgefläm
(The Orange Flame)
A vertical bicolour triband of red, white, red with a red maple leaf emblem charged in the Canadian pale
  1965–present The Orâgefläm
(The Orange Flame)
A vertical bicolour triband of red, white, red with a red maple leaf emblem charged in the Canadian pale
  1965–present Flag of Imperial York
(The Soldier's Flag)
A vertical bicolour triband of red, white, red with a red maple leaf emblem charged in the Canadian pale
  2020 - present Flag of New Sarovia
(The Tricolour)
A horizontal tricolour of colours from top to bottom of Vasa Orange, Holy White, and Stefanic Blue.
  2020 - present Flag of the Nafets Confederation
(The Unity Flag)
A horizontal tricolour of colours from top to bottom of blue, white and red, with a Nassauvian green trapezium based on the hoist side.
  2020 - present Flag of New Sarovia
(The Tricolour)
A horizontal tricolour of colours from top to bottom of Vasa Orange, Holy White, and Stefanic Blue.