Dominion of Carolusburg: Difference between revisions

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| BackColor =
| BoxTitle = <center><small>''PesitpaisDominion euiof Carolusburg''</small><br>
<big><big><b>DominionPesitpais ofeui Carolusburg<br></b></big></big>
| image = File:Dominion of Carolusburg new.png
| caption = The flag of the Dominion of Carolusburg.
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| Row2Info = [[Carolusburg City]]
| Row3Title = Demonym:
| Row3Info = Auro-Carodian or <br>Carodian<br>Carolusburger
| Row4Title = Monarch:
| Row4Info = [[ConstantineCarolus IXXIII Vasa | ConstantineCarolus III]]
| Row5Title = Governor-General:
| Row5Info = [[Tsu Kinwood]]
| Row6Title = Prime Minister:
| Row6Info = N/A[[Umbra U. Averith, Vidame of Dartford]]
| Row7Title = Currency
| Row7Info = Carodian Crona
The '''[[Dominion of Carolusburg|Dominion of Carolusburg and Aurea]]''', also known simply as the '''[[Dominion of Carolusburg]]''' (in High Sarovian: '''[[Dominion of Carolusburg|Pesitpais eui Carolusburg y Aurea]]''') is a country that occupies much of the [[List of Sarovian territories|Continent of Ostos]] and extends from the entire South Island to parts of the North Island from [[List of Sarovian territories|Ostos]]. The Dominion borders its parent nation: the [ New Sarovian Empire and Her Colonies and Dominions]. It is the second largest country in the [[List of Sarovian territories|Graalian world]], second only to its closest ally: the [ New Sarovian Empire and Her Colonies and Dominions].
The lands currently occupied by the Dominion of Carolusburg have been inhabited for centuries by different peoples. Starting around 2016, expeditions by the [[Emerald Town Expedition Corps]], led at the time by a Sarovian by the name of [[Johnathan Zor,]] a distant cousin of the [[Vasa|Imperial House of Vasa]]. However, due to the presence of a "Sarovian" group in the [[List of Sarovian territories|Ostos]] region, the New Frontier Republic (which would later become the [ Aurean Empire]) would fight several battles - starting the [[Saro-Aurean Skimirshs (2016-2022)]]. During the Sarovian expeditions in [[List of Sarovian territories|Ostos]], the [ New Sarovian Empire] began to establish the [[List of Sarovian territories|Crown Colonies]] on the continent. Such as: [[New Reuss]], [[New Syrixia]] and [[Carolusburg City|Carolusburg]]. In 295 AS the [ Aurean Empire] would lose the [[Second Saro-Aurean War (2022)|Second Saro-Aurean War]]. Knowing this, with the victory of the [ New Sarovian Empire and Her Colonies and Dominions], the Dominion of Carolusburg would be officially formed on the [[List of Sarovian territories|South Island of Ostos]] thus unifying the [[Three Colonies]] (New Syrixia, New Reuss and Carolusburg) as a Federal Dominion. Subsequently, [[Constantine IX Vasa]] the [[King of the Sarovians (title)|Royo eui do Sarovians]] [[Sarovian Commonwealth|y Imperad eui lan Comune Saroviana]] (King of the Sarovians and Emperor of the Sarovian Commonwealth) would become the legitimate and only holder of the title of [[King of Carolusburg and Aurea (title)|Aurean Emperor]], which made the Dominion of Carolusburg the legitimate successor of the [ Aurean Empire]. Thus, the Dominion would come to be popularly known as the Dominion of Carolusburg and Aurea with the annexation of the Aurea Empire to the federation through the [ Territorial and Electoral Reform Act (2023)].
The Dominion of Carolusburg is a federation composed of [ nine provinces and three territories], a [[Carodian Parliament|parliamentary democracy]] and a constitutional monarchy, with the Royo y Imperad [[ConstantineCarolus IXXIII|Carolus XIII Vasa]] as head of state — a symbol of the Dominion of Carolusburg's historic ties to the [ New Sarovian Empire] — with the government headed by a [[Prime Minister of Carolusburg|Prime Minister]] and have a viceregal representative, this being the [[Governor-General of Carolusburg|Governor-General of the Dominion]]. It is a multicultural country possessing traces of its Aureans and Sarovians ethnicities. One of the most developed countries in the [[List of Sarovian territories|World Graalian]], the Dominion of Carolusburg has a diversified economy, dependent on its abundant natural resources and trade, being considered by many as a "tax haven" for the fact of getting a large amount of Carodian Cronas (the currency of the country being abbreviated only to Cronas or Cr) in addition to not having large taxes.
== Etymology ==
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Although virtually all of the former [[Carodian Assembly of Peers|Aurean House of Lords]] abandoned their former lands to crown [[Constantine IX Vasa]] as the rightful and only Aurea Emperor. The Annexation was formally made official through the [ Territorial and Electoral Reform Act (2023)] durante o mandato de Sir [[Henry Vasa]] [[Order of the Vasas|OV]].
==== The Carolus XIII Vasa's reign ====
On November 28, 2023 (311 AS), it was announced within the territories of the Dominion through the Sarovian Pathé the death of His Royal Majesty, the [[King of Carolusburg and Aurea (title)|Royo eui Carolusburg y Aurea]] [[Constantine IX Vasa|Constantine I Vasa]]. This would shock the entire Dominion, after all, by many, Constantine I was greatly loved by the Carodian people since he had annexed the Aurean Empire. From this, the Carodian population entered a state of mourning as did the entire [[Sarovian Commonwealth]]. But what was on the Carodians' minds was: "Who Will Be the New King?" Many believed that the Dauphin [[John, Prince of Kiev|John Vasa]] would become the new Royo eui Carolusburg y Aurea, but, this would change when John would resign the post in favor of his son, [[Carolus XIII Vasa]]. Thus, [[Carolus XIII Vasa]] would become '''Carolus II of Carolusburg and Aurea''', assuming his grandfather's titles, and becoming the second monarch of Vasa's lineage to hold the Aurean throne.
Just like his grandfather, Carolus XIII Vasa after receiving the title of Royo eui of the Sarovians y Imperad eui lan Comune Saroviana of the [[Assembly of Peers|Sarovian Assembly of Peers]], His Excellency, the [[Governor-General of Carolusburg|Governor-General]] [[Tsu Kinwood]], together with the [[Carodian Assembly of Peers]] (former Aurean House of Lords) met to endorse [[Carolus XIII]] Vasa as '''Carolus II eui of the Carodians y Aureans''' (Carolus XIII Vasa of the Carodians and Aureans).
== Policy ==
