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| Row1Info = 236 AS to 247
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| Row2Info = ''[[King of the Sarovians]] and Emperor of the Sarovian Commonwealth, Grand King of the State, Patriarch of the Zors, Makos, and Vasas, Grand Prince of Carolusburg, Defender of the Faith, Protector of the Realm and Caesar of Classic''
| Row2Info = ''[[King of the Sarovians (title)| King of the Sarovians]] and Emperor of the Sarovian Commonwealth, Grand King of the State, Patriarch of the Zors, Makos, and Vasas, Grand Prince of Carolusburg, Defender of the Faith, Protector of the Realm and Caesar of Classic''
| Row3Title = Dynasty:
| Row3Title = Dynasty:
| Row3Info = [[Vasa | Zor-Mako-Vasa-Nassau]]
| Row3Info = [[Vasa | Zor-Mako-Vasa-Nassau]]

Revision as of 22:36, 27 February 2023

Constantine VI & I Vasa


236 AS to 247


King of the Sarovians and Emperor of the Sarovian Commonwealth, Grand King of the State, Patriarch of the Zors, Makos, and Vasas, Grand Prince of Carolusburg, Defender of the Faith, Protector of the Realm and Caesar of Classic




Carolus XII Vasa


William I Vasa

Frederick Constantine Charles Augustus Zor-Mako-Vasa (regnal name: Constantine VI & I) was the King of the Sarovians from his reign beginning in 236, and Grand King of the State in 240, before his death and end of his reign in 247 AS. Constantine VI & I, often simply referred to as Constantine VI or Constantine I within the Grand Kingdom of the State. He brought the New Sarovian Empire into a golden age of art, culture and hegemony which scholars have named the "First Pax Sarovica". Under his reign, the natural borders of the New Sarovian Empire were cemented and the Second Great War was won, which has granted him the epithet of "Constantine the Great".


Early Life

Frederick was brought into the House of Vasa in 230 AS as the second son of his father, Constantine V. Frederick, unlike his brother Charles, was not a good soldier and was brought into the House of Vasa partially to get him out of the everyday workings of the Imperial Army. Within the bureaucracy Frederick shone, and was adept at manuevering through the politics of his father's Parliament. He commissioned in the 14th Infantry Regiment as an honourary Lieutenant-Colonel, but did not pay attention. Rather, he focused on his studies of the Sarovian people and compiled a history of the reign of King Tristam, his sons and his grandsons. This scholarly behaviour made his father secretly invest him as the Prince of Kiev and therefore heir to the throne.

In the Saro-Aurean War, Frederick accompanied his father and brother against rebel groups at Modena and Sorrel, and the various battles. At the Battle of Poltava, Frederick saw his father commit to a disasterous attack against the Aureans. Frederick and his brother, along with Lieutenant-Colonel Sevirax, tried to desperately hold the line as the battle turned against them. Frederick would gather remnants of the army and sally forth in an attempt to act as a rearguard, but was captured in an attempt to escape. Charles and Constantine V would escape, whereas Frederick was a hostage.

The Aureans would treat him well, and bring him to sessions of the Aurean court. There, he was seen as a curiosity, but treated with relative dignity. Near 233 AS, he was gifted to Kaiser Peter von Rhodes of the Astorian Empire, which treated him much more harshly: restricting him to block all communication with Sarovians and kept under watchful eye. There, he attempted to communicate with his friends in Sarovia via different methods, but they were not communicated with. In 235, after the Astorian defeat in the Great War, he was liberated by Sarovian troops who originally did not believe his claim until Carolus XII Vasa could verify it. He was treated as a hero upon his return and granted an honourary colonelcy in II Corps, which Frederick took a keen interest in learning more to prevent his previous situation. This apprenticeship would not last however because in 236 AS, his brother was shot and killed.

The Succession Crisis

When Carolus XII was shot and killed, the succession of the throne was not clear cut. Two legal camps emerged: those who believed that Frederick was still the Prince of Kiev due to his investiture (which had been discovered by this point) and those who believed that John, Prince of Kiev and son of Carolus, was the rightful heir. Both candidates had massive downsides. Frederick was inexperienced and gone in captivity for some time, and was not a military commander by any means. Some thought his surrender and capture was dishonourable to the Empire. However, he was the most senior member of the House of Zor-Mako-Vasa. On the other hand, John was younger and would reign longer, but was equally unexperienced and would've became the youngest monarch of New Sarovia. Likewise, he was the newly invested Prince of Kiev. They could not reach out to Carolus who had left Graal for good at this point for his opinion. Neither John nor Frederick wanted the throne, citing their inexperience. Some suggested that John would become King and Emperor, whereas Frederick would assume a regency until he was experienced enough: this was rejected by all parties.

A deal was met: Frederick would take the throne and the crown in exchange to recognise the Prince of Kiev title of his nephew. Likewise, should Frederick marry, he was to agree all children born out of that marriage would have no claim to the throne of Sarovia. A deal was met on the 24th of August 2017 (236 AS), and on the same day, all senior officers of government and the military swore the Oath of Allegiance to Frederick. A leading poet of the day would proclaim that "“The Glory of the Age is Past and Gone, we to our former era are fated, King Carolus is dead, King Frederick consecrated, and Sarovia’s clock has moved from XII to I." This poet would be wrong however, as Frederick would assume the name of his father and become Constantine VI in very early September.


Constantine VI's reign was, originally, marked with extensive strife and trouble. The first day of his reign, a renewed attack on Kiev's Drift occurred, and he led a skillful defense of the territory and counter attacked with surprising efficiency and bravado. Axium and Valeria were forced to dissolve. Constantine then led a talented campaign to seize the entirety of the Estos continent, putting rebels to the sword, from August to September. Swiftly after, Constantine would end the period of absolutism his brother had began, and began elections anew. In early September, rebels known as the Xavi clan rose in what was known as the Nika Riots. A man named Fyre Justinian Xavi led claim to Poltava, and led a host of men known as Byzantines to do so. Under the command of Field Marshal Martius (Constantine's nephew), Sarovia swiftly defeated Fyre Xavi in battle at Modena and seized Poltava. Unlike his brother, who despite having both the title of King of the Sarovians and Emperor of the Sarovian Commonwealth prefered only to be styled as King, Constantine VI declared the first official war of his reign as "Emperor Constantine VI". This document is cited:

“I, Frederick, by the Grace of Stefan, King of the New Sarovian Empire, Patriarch of the Makos, Zors and Vasas, and Lord of Sarholm, do herewith declare that we have considered it a duty to our common fatherland to answer the call of war against the enemies that plague us. In consequence, we have therefore found it necessary to take the purple. Our successors on the throne of New Sarovia will henceforth bear the imperial title in all our relations and in all the business of the New Sarovian Empire, and we hope to Stefan that the New Sarovian nation will be granted the ability to fashion a propitious future for the fatherland under the symbol of its ancient Glory. We reassume the imperial title, conscious of the duty of protecting, with Sarovian loyalty, the rights of the Empire and of its members, of keeping the peace, and of protecting the independence of the Empire, which depends in its turn upon the united strength of the people. We reassume the title in the hope that the Sarovian people will be granted the ability to enjoy the reward of its ardent and self-sacrificing wars in lasting peace, within boundaries which afford the fatherland a security against renewed aggression by our enemies which has been lost for centuries. Therefore, henceforth, we shall use the following title: His Majestic Grace, Constantine VI Vasa, by the Grace of Stefan, Emperor of the New Sarovian Empire, Patriarch of the Makos, Zors and Vasas, and Lord of Sarholm. May Stefan grant that We and our successors on the imperial throne may at all times increase the wealth of the New Sarovian Empire, not by military conquests, but by the blessings and the gifts of peace, in the realm of national prosperity, liberty, and morality.

More subsequent battles between Constantine VI and Fyre were had, with a near disaterous defeat during the third battle of war, in which Sarovian strategy was flipped against them. Constantine VI and his officers just barely managed to escape losing everything. Due to this, Constantine built what was known as the Frederickian Line, a series of defensives from Upper Preuze to Kiev, and determined that in times of attack the Sarovians would retreat to these territories and reclaim lost ground afterwards. Until the 18th of September, constant battles were won and lost on both sides and the Frederickian Line proved fruitful until the Byzantines seized York: the second time in recent history. Significant protests were held against the Emperor, so on the 24th of September upon hearing of a potential surprise attack by Fyre, Constantine VI gathered the largest army of the day through extensive conscription and delivered a shattering blow to the Byzantines, which surrendered and were disbanded.

It was under Constantine VI that the site of the ancient city of Sars was allegedly found. Carolus had begun the construction of Sarholm in Kiev, which was re-located on the orders of Constantine VI to the island. The Emperor expanded the city quite significantly under his reign, with buildings such as farms, codeshops, armouries, police stations, affiliated businesses, parade grounds, sports stadiums, residential areas, office areas, regimental headquarters, minor towns, and more. Nicknamed the "Eternal City" by the inhabitants, Constantine VI found himself at the forefront of Estos architecture, and designed plenty buildings himself. These buildings would include elaborate houses of Parliament and palaces, some of which burned down in the Great Fire of Sarholm in 2022.

The Second Great War and the Grand Kingdom of the State

After a few months of relative peace, the Free States led by the Vist dynasty had decided to declare that a state of war existed between them and New Sarovia once more. In revenge for their humiliating defeat in the First Great War, King Auel declared extensive recruitment sanctions on the New Sarovian Empire. Constantine VI and his ministers contemplated and decided that nothing was suitable but a declaration of war, which was given in late December. Constantine VI, uncharacteristically of him, led his men personally into battle at Preuze and Kiev and won two stunning victories, which culminated in both sides digging trenches and preparing for a final assault. In these battles, the outnumbered Sarovians managed to send off the larger Vistian force. Constantine's ministers urged him to provoke the Vistians into battle. Based off the succession of his distant ancestor King Sherlock of Bavaria and of the State, Constantine VI declared to the public that he was the rightful King of the State and it was his intention to rule both countries as one. This was not to satisfy his minister's wishes, though it did have that effect, but rather because Constantine VI truly believed that the barbaric individuals under Auel Vist needed "civilisation of the highest order." A final battle broke out in early January of 2018 (241 AS) which saw Sarovian Field Marshal Sevirax and his men send off the Vist soldiers, and crown Constantine VI as Constantine I of the State. This was widely condemned by the international community, and a popular front of civilians known as the People's Against Sarovia (PAS) began hit-and-run tactics on the Sarovians, which were quickly dealt with through violence and force.

Caesar and Death

The battles of the past left a scarring element on Constantine, which had brought himself to two conclusions: the New Sarovian Empire was too large for its own good and that the people of Estos were in dire need of civilisation. As such, the Second Sorrel Community Convention (2018) was passed. New Sarovia would cede all territory outside of the Frederickian Line to other nations, such as Llamania and Burvanica. This was the beginning of the modern Sarovian homeland. This came just before the death and disappearance of both of his brother's sons, the Prince of Kiev and the Prince of Preuze and Upper Preuze Mathiveas. These disappearances crippled the Emperor, who secluded himself often and would only rarely come out in public to hold court. The disappearance affected the Emperor so much he dissolved Parliament to rule by decree in April. The second conclusion led him to force the other nations to acknowledge his sovereignty over Estos, and he was proclaimed "Caesar of Classic" / "Caesar of Estos" in spring of 2018. He assumed the title as one that could only be bestowed upon a leader who had reigned twelve Stefanic years. Maverians, Burvanicans and others acknowleged this sovereignty, but the public relations disaster led to great public uprising. After repeated victories of rebellions rising against him, Constantine VI firmly held onto power with an iron fist, but the Pax Sarovica was showing signs of cracking. In late June of 2018 (246 AS) Constantine VI held court at Sarholm when he was publicly assassinated when a former Sarovian doxxed him. Constantine VI, humiliated and mortally wounded, refused to perform any functions of the throne for weeks, before officially abdicating his title in favour of his last remaining nephew, William Vasa.


Throughout his life, Constantine VI & I has received many different honours, decorations and titles.

  • Crowns
    • Imperial Crown
    • Crown of the Grand State Kingdom
  • Honours
    • Sovereign of the Order of the New Sarovian Empire
    • Star of Carolus
    • Star of Valour (later renamed to Star of Constantine)
    • Imperial Vasa Star
  • Decorations
    • Sarovian Cross
    • Order of the Sarovian Crown
    • Order of the Lion
    • Order of the King
    • Victory Cross
Crowns, honours and decorations of Constantine VI & I