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Trench warfare over Delta began for three days, with both sides standing out of range of the other, staking their claims. Eventually another skirmish occurred, with the Free States being hurled back. Days later, the Free States collapsed in early January of 2018.
Trench warfare over Delta began for three days, with both sides standing out of range of the other, staking their claims. Eventually another skirmish occurred, with the Free States being hurled back. Days later, the Free States collapsed in early January of 2018.
[[File:State with collar.png|thumb|right|The current coat of arms of the State.]]

The State was led in personal union with the New Sarovian Empire, and the style of the Sarovian sovereign would always include the title "Grand King of the State." In spring of 2018, Constantine VI officially ceded Big City to the State as part of his domain, and upon his abdication and retirement from Graal, the title passed to his son William. The State was the status quo for a full year by the time July 2019 rolled around, when the title was left to William's son who took the title Constantine II of the State. This allowed the State to become independent, with July 15th as its independence date. This was short lived, for when Empress Brianna came to the throne in 2019, he abdicated in favour of her to re-merge the titles and keep them in the New Sarovian Empire.
The State was led in personal union with the New Sarovian Empire, and the style of the Sarovian sovereign would always include the title "Grand King of the State." In spring of 2018, Constantine VI officially ceded Big City to the State as part of his domain, and upon his abdication and retirement from Graal, the title passed to his son William. The State was the status quo for a full year by the time July 2019 rolled around, when the title was left to William's son who took the title Constantine II of the State. This allowed the State to become independent, with July 15th as its independence date. This was short lived, for when Empress Brianna came to the throne in 2019, he abdicated in favour of her to re-merge the titles and keep them in the New Sarovian Empire.

Revision as of 09:33, 23 April 2021

The State

The flag of the State, 2020.




Auel I, Auel II Kusan, Auel III Zor...Constantine I, Constantine II, Constantine III


Auelian dynasty (2012-2015) Vasa dynasty (2017-present)

Current Monarch:

Constantine IX Vasa-Nassau

The State was one of the first major military guilds in GraalOnline iClassic and built the foundations for what would become the Graal Military Community. While originally not intended to be a military, circumstances began moving the originally democratic and peaceful guild into a military dictatorship. The State is most closely associated with one of its founders and long-time leader, Auel Vist, but many individuals have lead the guild since its inception. In October of 2017, Constantine VI of New Sarovia invoked his claim as a descendant of Auel III Zor to claim the throne of the State, and the Vasa dynasty has occupied it since.



The State was created from an alliance of empire guilds. These guilds were typically lead by a King or Emperor, and had an assortment of guilds such as a Guard, Army, Knights, or sometimes a parliament. While not all were empire guilds in this fashion, they all had some form of central authority which commanded lower commanders who in turn lead soldiers. They were all not very large, comprised of 30-40 members at most. By the time The State was to be created, they were all long past their prime, and slowly fading away.

The most notable and most prominent of these guilds were: Imperia, Valikorlia, Elite Mercenaries, and the Bacseyian Confederation.

By the time of The State's inception, the Bacseyian Confederation had been defeated by Imperia through a series of wars. These wars would later serve as the basis of war conduct and war doctrine for all militaries. While the Confederation still existed, Bacseyian remnants occasionally flared up to fight Imperia. Their leader, Harau Bacsey, had disappeared following The War of Paranoia. Imperia had also fallen into ruins. The guild was in its 9th Era when it joined The State. When King Auel ordered the disbandment of the Knights of Imperia in order to make them Generals of the Imperian Army, the Knights rebelled and left Imperia. Without its most skilled soldiers and leaders, Imperia was left to wither away and die. Elite Mercenaries was lead by DeWolf (Later known as Viral). Formerly a large military contractor, it had hired out its manpower to some of the largest names out there. After a year since he had left, DeWolf returned and begun to sell towers that his guild had taken. Most of Valikorlia's history remains unknown. Led by James F. Zor, it was the youngest of all the main factions, and was still developing when it joined The State.

Auel Dynasty

The leaders of Elite Mercenaries, Imperia and Valikorlia banded together to create The State. King Auel, King James III, and CEO DeWolf sign The December Charter on December 18th 2012, forfeiting their guilds sovereignty and creating The State Parliament, the first State guild. On December 27, elections were held for the leadership of The State. Members of parliament were elected from the three major factions and nearly a dozen other guilds who were inspired to merge their guilds. Auel proclaims himself King of The State, James is elected Prime Minister, and DeWolf (now known as Viral) is made General of the State Military. Stability was unheard of - four days later a rebellion began, and within a month the military seizes control. In that same month, the Bacseyian Confederation returned and war began between the two sides. The first era is ended by a ban wave on the State's officers.

Two weeks later, King Auel and military officers return from ban. King Auel summons the remaining loyal state members, and forms the State Supreme Council, a successor to Parliament that will act as the governing body. Members of the Supreme Council would be known as 'Councilors'. Auel redirects The State's efforts towards civilian and government functions, creating a justice, financial, and other government departments. The Old State's complex and tower-based State Military system is reformed into the innovative State Assault Federal Forces. After the fall of Old State from the banning of officers, new State-inspired guilds were created and refused to rejoin the guild from which they derived. They would lure lower ranking soldiers, offering higher positions and inflated ranks while having no power attached to them. SAFF engages terrorist and state rebel guilds to great success. Two weeks later, 80% of SAFF is banned for a week, though the ban is lifted. The reason was The State's free upload system. This begins to happen more and more frequently over the next few weeks. The State begins to become more anti-administration. On March 31st, 2013, Auel disbands The State.

In early April 2013, the State is restarted by Auel I. The State was reorganized like the Old State Military. It lacked a parliament or any government functions. Its plan was to divide the game into 5 regions and conquer each. The main guild is Central Command, lead by Auel I. Wars were waged by new military factions such as Imperial York and Arcadia. Two prominent and future Auels were officers in this time frame - Auel II Kusan and Auel III Zor. After months of leadership, Auel I abdicates in favour of Auel II Kusan. The State falls apart under his administration.

The State would never return to its glory days again save for one last hurrah. Auel I and II work together on a concept of the Unitary State Republic, though the government was ineffective and failed. Auel II Kusan then abdicates in favour of Auel III Zor, who forms an absolutist monarchy in mid 2014. The monarchy works well, and he accepts the help of Auel I and his former officers, though never formally cedes power. In December, Auel I and his officers leave the country and convince members of government to do the same - collapsing the government.

The last hurrah would come in the last Aurelian era. Auel returns, though rejects his monarchist past and labeling himself as a dictator. Expanding his forces and influence, he rapidly conquers the military factions that emerged since his absence. Former State soldiers flock under the New State. Massive rallies, parades, and the spread of propaganda bring the State to its largest point in history. The State reaches new levels of efficiency in recruitment, training, management under the leadership of the senior staff. While officially a dictatorship, The State was really an oligarchy the officers under the leadership of Auel. The most important officers during this time were the five Generals: General Pierce, Major Generals Aros Zor-Mako, Morzan, and Vulnus and Brigadier General Slinger.

Small guilds unify under a coalition such as Riders of Rohan, Disciples of Discord (State mutineers), Sparta (State mutineers) and others. War is finally declared and the first battle engages at Delta where The State ambushes members of Riders of Rohan. Rohan calls in reinforcements, and a large-scale battle breaks out. The State drives them out, Rohan and allies flee to Dozer's. The State follows and defeats them there.

Disregarding the coalition as a small threat, Auel ignored the rebellion. Rebel forces ambush and defeat State soldiers in a skirmish. Auel gets word of it, and wages total war on the rebellion at Dozer's. While initially winning, Elysia, lead by former State-General Auel II Kusan turns the tide of battle against his former leader, with help from Auel III Zor. The Elysian Guard coupled with the Rebellion began to outnumber The State Military. The battle was the largest in history at the time, and took six hours. The coalition left the battlefield after agreeing to a ceasefire with The State, and Elysia was defeated when all their members left the battlefield.

Tired from combat, all sides avoid another battle for the next four days. General Slinger defects and partners with the coalition then battles The State for the last time at Belle Island, where the fighting began. Two hours of fighting lead to no victor. The fate of the battle was left to guild spar at the Belle Battle Arena. The State easily defeats the rebellion and destroys their morale, but losses in defections cause the State to collapse.


When Auel I abdicated, he granted authority to his heir, Morzan. Upon recreating the State, Morzan realises he did not have a desire to lead and after a few talks with Auel, Morzan handed leadership to Auel III Zor. Vulnus had learned of Zor's plans to destroy the State before he was leader, but he wasn't online to stop the transition. Auel III Zor kicked many experienced officers and promoted unqualified members destroying the infrastructure of the State. His last official order as King of the State for the second time was forbidding anyone other than himself to recreate it.

The State would not return in a strong capacity until summer of 2017, where Auel's further descendants would recreate the country to engage in the Great War against Sarovia. Allying with their former enemy of Arcadia (then called Astoria), the Great War ended in a decisive defeat for the State, and Auel's court fled only to return to recreate the Free States.

Vasa Dynasty

The State would never return in a strong capacity. In October of 2017, Constantine VI Vasa, Emperor of New Sarovia, would claim the throne of the State. Citing his ancestry to Auel III Zor and his brother's victory over the State the summer prior, he proclaimed himself the Grand King of the State. International affairs were damaged by this severely, though the Emperor considered himself the rightful successor.

In winter of 2017, The Free States was created by Prime Minister Auel. The Free States democratic based with all of the decisions being made by members of the guild through public parliament sessions. The Prime Minister, Auel, was at the head of the guild. Many of the functions of the guild, however, were performed by ministers. The Free States added a second army under Sol Vata Octavian Fessler, and eventually a third under Zaza Hughes. With the combined three armies, the activity of The Free States skyrocketed, reaching a peak at roughly 75 members online at once - though discipline was unheard of and dress and deportment were abysmal.

In response to sanctions being slapped on them by the Parliament of the Free States after Constantine VI had demanded they recognize him as the Grand King of the State, the New Sarovian Empire declared war on The Free States. There were three battles in this war, the first two took place consecutively at Delta Island and MoD Town. The battle of Delta was won by the New Sarovian Empire after only a few hours despite false claims from the Free State, where Sarovians refocused all of their attention to MoD. The Free States were able to hold MoD for much longer, but eventually came to defeat after a grueling 12 hour battle. In this battle, Field Marshal William OSE publicly proclaimed Constantine VI as the hero of the State, saving its honour on the field of battle.

Trench warfare over Delta began for three days, with both sides standing out of range of the other, staking their claims. Eventually another skirmish occurred, with the Free States being hurled back. Days later, the Free States collapsed in early January of 2018.

The current coat of arms of the State.

The State was led in personal union with the New Sarovian Empire, and the style of the Sarovian sovereign would always include the title "Grand King of the State." In spring of 2018, Constantine VI officially ceded Big City to the State as part of his domain, and upon his abdication and retirement from Graal, the title passed to his son William. The State was the status quo for a full year by the time July 2019 rolled around, when the title was left to William's son who took the title Constantine II of the State. This allowed the State to become independent, with July 15th as its independence date. This was short lived, for when Empress Brianna came to the throne in 2019, he abdicated in favour of her to re-merge the titles and keep them in the New Sarovian Empire.

The State exists today in Big City, though the legality of it's territory is murky.