Sarovian naming traditions: Difference between revisions

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* Given name
''** ''A given name is any name that is given by their family patriarch or father/mother to the individual, and is for all intents and purposes the "first name" of the member.''
* Baptismal name & godfather's name
''** ''All members who are baptised by Stefan are obligated to pick a Stefanic saint which will be their baptismal name. Members of the Sarovian nobility may also choose to name themselves after their godfather or godmother depending on gender, which is a different baptismal name. ''
* Family honour name
** ''Members of the nobility are allowed to grant themselves up to five names of honour, which are names of other members of their family, usually previous members of the family that have passed away or disappeared. For some families, with permission of the Sarovian Sovereign, the final name of honour can be replaced by a cognomen - a name of triumph that celebrates an achievement, and can be hereditary or not depending on the level of reward.''